From: mharris AT blackwidow DOT saultc DOT on DOT ca Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 02:32:10 -0500 (EST) Reply-To: mharris AT blackwidow DOT saultc DOT on DOT ca To: OpenDOS discussion list Subject: [opendos] OpenDOS bug list Message-ID: Organization: Total disorganization. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: owner-opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net Precedence: bulk Here is a little bug list that I've put together for your scrutiny. It was made with the intention of helping Caldera to improve OD, to inform others of bugs that I've found, and to hear other's suggestions about what I've found. It is *NOT* meant to be a negative thing, nor to offend anyone. Please tell me what you think and feel free to offer suggestions, additions, corrections, remedies, etc... ---OPENDOS.BUG-------------------------------------------------------- OpenDOS BUG list Version 1.00 Author: Mike Harris OpenDOS version: 7.01 (Pre-release released to DJGPP list on Jan 24, 1997) In an effort to help Caldera make OpenDOS even better, and bug free, I've compiled this little list of bugs, quirks, typos and other such errors. I post this list assuming that all of the problems that I've documented are legitimate bugs that I've found. Some may or may not be bugs at all, but rather just problems that I've had with my own personal configuration. If you spot an inacuracy or typo or something wrong in here, or would like to add to this list in any way, please email me a message. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections: [1.0] General bugs [2.0] DOSBOOK bugs [2.1] DOSBOOK ommisions [3.0] SETUP program bugs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1.0] General bugs 1. Files have disappeared from directory listings for no apparent reason. I'm running LOADLIN.EXE to boot Linux, and under OpenDOS the file just plain dissappears from the directory listing! Looks like OpenDOS doesn't like other OS's! Upon doing a DIR /AH in 4DOS a hidden file mysteriously appears called "@COMMAND.UI" in the loadlin directory. I think I may have found the cause for this bug. My DOS 6.22 multiconfig had a [LINUX] configuration before any other configurations and since the next line was a SHELL=LOADLIN line, I'll bet that the SETUP program has thought that LOADLIN was my DOS 6.22 command shell and has renamed it to "@COMMAND.UI". If this is so, then the SETUP program's logic needs to be smartened up! I'm going to rename that file to LOADLIN.EXE and see if it works as expected. 2. The UNINSTAL program's copyright message says DR DOS uninstall instead of OpenDOS. 3. Virtually *NO* games run at all in OpenDOS. I very much believe that this is due to some misconfiguration of some kind however. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2.0] 1. DOSBOOK help index for "<<" returns nothing about << but instead returns help on "<" and ">". Was "<<" a typo? Or is there a "<<" that just got left out of DOSBOOK? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2.1] I couldn't find any reference in the DOSBOOK for the following: OPENDOS.386 NWCDEX.EXE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3.0] 1. The SETUP utility setting for NWCACHE size doesn't work properly. 2. The SETUP utility lets you change the place where OpenDOS config files are supposed to be stored, but neither puts the files there, nor sets the environment variable OPENDOSCFG to point to the right spot. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike A. Harris | Computer Consultant | My webpage has moved and my address has changed. My dynamic address: mailto:mharris AT blackwidow DOT saultc DOT on DOT ca Question: Where can I get a good WYSIWYG HTML editor for Linux?