X-Authentication-Warning: delorie.com: mail set sender to geda-user-bounces using -f X-Recipient: geda-user AT delorie DOT com X-Mailer: exmh version 2.8.0 04/21/2012 with nmh-1.7+dev X-Exmh-Isig-CompType: repl X-Exmh-Isig-Folder: inbox From: "karl AT aspodata DOT se [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com Subject: Re: [geda-user] Set different footprints to sub-schematic components In-reply-to: <20231005143816.6ef6681c@amanite> References: <20231005143816 DOT 6ef6681c AT amanite> Comments: In-reply-to "Claudio Fabri (clafi AT gmx DOT com) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" message dated "Thu, 05 Oct 2023 14:41:26 +0200." Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Message-Id: <20231005192420.1BA2685FE062@turkos.aspodata.se> Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2023 21:24:20 +0200 (CEST) X-Virus-Scanned: ClamAV using ClamSMTP Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com Errors-To: nobody AT delorie DOT com X-Mailing-List: geda-user AT delorie DOT com X-Unsubscribes-To: listserv AT delorie DOT com Precedence: bulk Claudio Fabri: ... > It turns out that I need the footprint of one of the two > resistors in that subschematic to be "RADIAL_CAN 200" instead of > "R025" ยน. That really sound like that you have to change the footprint attribute in the subschematic for one of the resistors. Or, if you don't want to change the subsch, cp it to a new name and change that subsch and reference that one instead. Regards, /Karl Hammar