X-Authentication-Warning: delorie.com: mail set sender to geda-user-bounces using -f X-Recipient: geda-user AT delorie DOT com Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 19:01:02 GMT From: falcon AT ivan DOT Harhan DOT ORG (Spacefalcon the Outlaw) Message-Id: <1509121901.AA26523@ivan.Harhan.ORG> To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com Subject: [geda-user] A call for a separate PCB mailing list Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com Hello fellow adherents of free EDA tools, Someone made a suggestion to create a separate mailing list for PCB, and I would like to second that suggestion. Just like John Doty, I cringe at seeing gschem and PCB being lumped together, but for a completely different reason. My perspective is the opposite of John's: whereas John does graphical schematics in gschem and is fortunate enough to have someone else do PCB layout for him for a price he can afford, I don't use graphical schematics at all (see my previous post), hence I don't need gschem. But I am not rich enough to afford San Diego PCB's prices for PCB layout labor, hence I need to make other arrangements to get my layouts done, arrangements which require that the PCB layout step be done with free software tools, no proprietary software allowed. Hence I am highly interested in FLOSS PCB, but not in gschem or other schematic capture programs. For the next month or two I will probably take a break from sw/fw/hw hacking to work on my electrolysis (long story, too far OT for this list), but when I come back, I plan to start working in the earnest on a "next generation PCB" that will do what I need. I have a need to build cellular phones and modems with the Calypso chipset, and this need won't go away. Being much less integrated than the newer ones, this old chipset imposes high demands on PCB layout: discrete GHz RF components which need GHz RF trace interconnections on the PCB, and lots of digital signals to be wired between chips in a very tightly squeezed layout. The historical designs I follow were done in PADS, and use features which GNU PCB or gEDA/PCB or whatever it should be called currently lacks. Having found the docs for PADS' ASCII PCB format, I would like to write an automated lossless translator from PADS to FLOSS PCB which would allow me to reuse a Calypso GSM modem design from PADS without losing any of it and without having to redraw any of it manually, but one cannot meaningfully talk about a translator from A to B unless B supports all functionality of A, or at least all of the subset of that functionality which is used by the design to be translated. Thus before I can start working on a translator from PADS to FLOSS PCB, I first need to develop a "next generation" FLOSS PCB that matches PADS in capabilities, at least for the subset used by the GSM designs of interest to me. When I come back from working on my electrolysis (more precisely, from studying it and experimenting with it together with my significant other until I get her to the point where she can do electrolysis on my face), I will start working in the earnest on this Next Generation PCB. You can be quite certain that this work will happen indeed, as I need this NGPCB in order to build my Calypso GSM boards, and I really, really, really want to build those boards. But what I am still undecided on is whether or not I will make any attempt at integrating my NGPCB work with the present community, or if I would rather do it as a completely divergent fork. As a fork, it would probably be even more divergent than Igor2's pcb-rnd, as I would need to change the PCB data model to be more PADS-like, which in turn would entail a significant non-backward-compatible file format change. As I won't be actually starting this work until after I come back from my electrolysis sabbatical, I have a couple of months before I have to make a decision on staying with this community or forking. But when I do come to the point of having to make that decision, a major deciding factor for me will be the mailing list situation. I don't think I'll be able to do my NGPCB work with mainline integration in mind unless PCB gets its own mailing list that is completely separate from gEDA/gaf. The Next Generation PCB project will be a lot of work, and there is simply no way I could do work of that intensity while simultaneously having to read a hundred emails a day endlessly arguing about integration vs. separation between gschem and pcb, and other such issues of no relevance to a PCB-only user. But given how the vast majority of people on this list use gschem and pcb together, and seeming that there are only two people in the whole world who use just one of the tools (John Doty uses only gEDA/gaf; I am the opposite), I see there being very little realistic chance of a separate gaf-free mailing list being created for PCB. Therefore, I will probably end up hosting my NGPCB project on freecalypso.org as a fork with its own separate source repository and mailing list. SF