X-Authentication-Warning: delorie.com: mail set sender to geda-user-bounces using -f X-Recipient: geda-user AT delorie DOT com Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2015 16:03:58 GMT From: falcon AT ivan DOT Harhan DOT ORG (Spacefalcon the Outlaw) Message-Id: <1509041603.AA10864@ivan.Harhan.ORG> To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com Subject: Re: [geda-user] [OT] looking for a PADS layout person Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com Mitch Davis (mjd+geda-user AT hackvana DOT com) wrote: > There's a flaw in your logic (false dichotomy): Saying that it has to be > done in PADS because gEDA can't do what you want, doesn't allow for options > which are open source, but *will* do what you want. There is one additional complication to this picture. The reusable- as-is Calypso GSM block PADS layout I got from Openmoko is triband, and I would really like to make my FreeCalypso GSM devices quadband in the long term. However, replacing Openmoko's triband RFFE with Epcos M034F (the magic component that allows a quadband design with the unchangeable Rita RF xcvr from TI) cannot be done (or at least I don't see a way to do it) without redoing the whole layout in a different way, using TI's Leonardo and E-Sample component placement as a guide, totally different from Om's arrangement. Hence nothing beyond footprints can be reused from Openmoko when going the quadband route. When the time comes to redo the whole PCB layout anew for the quadband version, *that* would be the ideal time to do it properly in Free SW tools. As for the triband version (FCDEV3B) I seek to build currently by reusing Openmoko's layout as mindlessly as possible, it is merely an interim step, a way to allow other FreeCalypso subprojects to proceed ASAP, subprojects which are currently blocked by lack of hardware. Hence I am trying to see if I can find a PADS person who could do the first quick & dirty version of my board for a price I can afford. > FWIW, KiCad supports blind and buried vias (and plated slots), and is open > source. Thanks for the info. When the time comes to do the quadband version of my FreeCalypso GSM gear in FLOSS, I will need a PCB layout program that can do blind & buried vias, among other things. I've been thinking about hacking up a version of our PCB with this support kludged in, but now I'm going to be looking at KiCAD first. > And it also has a mode where you can set the background to be an > image, which you can then trace over when laying out the board. That image > could be a bitmap of a board done in another tool. It's a useful tool when > recovering designs done in older proprietary software. Are you or anyone else offering to recreate Openmoko's Calypso GSM modem PCB design in FLOSS (any tool, any version) by this method? If so, for how much $$$? If not, the notion is irrelevant. > (Curiously enough, > the Openmoko team, and in particular, Wolfgang Spraul, were quite keen on > KiCad) If you are referring to the abandoned gta02-core project, that one specifically excluded the one part of the original PADS-made GTA02 which is of interest to me: the Calypso GSM modem. SF