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On Tue, Jul 07, 2015 at 04:59:50PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
> >   I have, with Perl, Java, and C++.  C is consistently the fastest and
> > has the smallest memory footprint.
> When I switched from college to industry, I went from a C/mainframe
> world to a DOS/PC world.  I rewrote all my favorite Unix utilities
> (mv, rm, cp, ls, etc) in 8086 assembler.  I wrote a *lot* of assembler
> those days, and could code up apps in asm about as fast as similar
> apps in C, but mine only took a handful of bytes to run, and ran
> blazingly fast.  For a demo, see the stub loader for djgpp - it's 2k
> of hand-coded assembler that does everything needed to run a 32-bit
> app.
> So, it's all relative.
> These days it's mostly C++, although I wish they'd've stopped adding
> to C++ about 20 years ago when it was a clean and useful language :-)

It depends, I think that C++ reached a low with C++98/C++03 but that 
it has improved a lot with C++11 and has become much more usable.
