X-Authentication-Warning: delorie.com: mail set sender to geda-user-bounces using -f X-Recipient: geda-user AT delorie DOT com X-TCPREMOTEIP: X-Authenticated-UID: jpd AT noqsi DOT com From: John Doty Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Subject: [geda-user] Announcement: gnet-spice-noqsi Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 13:42:50 -0600 Message-Id: To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v1085) X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1085) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by delorie.com id r82JgnCp030683 Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com The spice-noqsi back end for gnetlist has reached a state where I believe it is ready for ordinary gEDA users. My goal has been to make it easier to construct schematics that can be input to both simulation and layout. Past SPICE netlisters for gEDA have tended to force the user to maintain separate simulation and layout schematics for several reasons: 1. The use of pinseq attributes for sequencing connections is incompatible with the use of pinseq for slotting. 2. Component reference designator prefixes in SPICE are sometimes incompatible with printed circuit conventions. 3. SPICE primitive models aren't always compatible with actual discrete components. The most common example is the MOSFET, where discretes rarely have a separate substrate pin, but SPICE needs one. 4. Discrete device models may be subcircuits, even for "elementary" components. 5. Previous SPICE netlisters have expressed hierarchy in a way that's incompatible with gnetlist's hierarchy traversal. Previous SPICE netlisters have attempted to cope with these problems by identifying and fixing special cases. That works most of the time, but when it doesn't work the problems are intractable. My new spice-noqsi netlister avoids these problems by recognizing some new spice-specific attributes. The most important is spice-prototype. Attached to a symbol, it describes how a symbol instance's attributes and connections should be expressed to SPICE. You don't have to attach these to most symbols: defaults handle most cases compatibly with previous SPICE netlisters. However, when you need to, you can take control. To try it out, you'll need ngspice installed (and gaf, of course). Then: git clone https://github.com/noqsi/gnet-spice-noqsi.git cd gnet-spice-noqsi/ (for the next step you may need to be superuser) ./install.sh cd BBamp/ make You should obtain a plot of the frequency response of an amplifier. Please try it out. Have a look at the README files, the schematics, and the Makefile to understand how it works. Send me reports, suggestions, complaints, ... John Doty Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. http://www.noqsi.com/ jpd AT noqsi DOT com