X-Authentication-Warning: delorie.com: mail set sender to geda-user-bounces using -f X-Recipient: geda-user AT delorie DOT com From: al davis To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com Subject: Re: [geda-user] 3D modelling and gEDA Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 17:50:29 -0400 User-Agent: KMail/1.13.7 (Linux/3.2.0-4-amd64; KDE/4.8.4; x86_64; ; ) References: <1371384274 DOT 12373 DOT 5 DOT camel AT pcjc2lap> <51BDAE66 DOT 2020601 AT jump-ing DOT de> In-Reply-To: <51BDAE66.2020601@jump-ing.de> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset="utf-8" Message-Id: <201306161750.29611.ad252@freeelectron.net> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by delorie.com id r5GLoZ41030577 Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com On Sunday 16 June 2013, Markus Hitter wrote: > From their FAQ: > > - - - > 2) Can I distribute my software product using Open CASCADE > Technology under GPL, LGPL or some other license (including > proprietary)? > > Yes, you can. From their FAQ: ============================= 1) Is Open CASCADE Technology license GPL-compatible? No, it is not. OPEN CASCADE Company uses its own custom license. However, it follows LGPL license in terms of its purpose and intent. 2) Can I distribute my software product using Open CASCADE Technology under GPL, LGPL or some other license (including proprietary)? Yes, you can. However, you should always take into account the requirements of your Final Product license. In case the license of your Final Product is in any conflict with OCCT Public License, you need to make appropriate amendments to such Final Product license to resolve any contradictions. If in doubt and to avoid possible misunderstandings, please, contact us for advice, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have on this matter. ============================= To clarify, repeat one sentence: ====== In case the license of your Final Product is in any conflict with OCCT Public License, you need to make appropriate amendments to such Final Product license to resolve any contradictions. ====== So ... logical or?? GPL? No. LGPL? Maybe. I think so. "some other license"? just make sure .... Does the "or" operation result in a positive answer to the question? Yes.