Message-Id: <> From: "Steen Espersen" To: Subject: compiling with Rsxntdj Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 19:45:49 -0600 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Priority: 3 X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail 4.70.1161 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_01BE132C.0ACF5040" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_01BE132C.0ACF5040 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit i've got five files here, which are attached. it's a program called SimpleWindows, which allows the user to program to windows and display it in a simple window. I downloaded Rsxntdj for djgpp. i have gcc ver 2.8 . it compiles and runs fine using Visual Studio. but after i set up rsxntdj as it told me to, i get error messages like syntax errors in the code. i can't even run the example program provided in the rsxntdj help file. if i try it, even a "hello world" prog, compiled using -Zwin32, i get: c:/djgpp/bin/ld.exe: cannot open -lc_app: No such file or directory (ENOENT) i followed everything to a tea. maybe you can get the program running. it shouldn't be hard. there are only .cpp files and .h files (custom) if you get it running and want to run a test program, just try a putSTR command or the custom DrawLine(x1,x2,y1,y2); (exact punctuation) thanks -ryan ------=_NextPart_000_01BE132C.0ACF5040 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="DHSWIN.CPP" Content-Description: Dhswin.cpp (CPP File) Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="DHSWIN.CPP" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable // Test for Mr. Sourtzis=0A= =0A= #include "graphics.h"=0A= #include "dhs.h"=0A= =0A= extern GraphicDrawQueue GraphicScreen;=0A= extern HPEN pen;=0A= extern int nopen;=0A= =0A= char Tbuffer[2048];=0A= extern void MyMain();=0A= Colour BACKGROUND =3D RGB(255,255,255);=0A= =0A= typedef struct {=0A= unsigned int xPos;=0A= unsigned int yPos;=0A= char TextStorage[XSIZE][YSIZE];=0A= unsigned int topLine;=0A= } ScreenStateInfo;=0A= =0A= ScreenStateInfo* screen;=0A= char buffer[BUFSIZE]; =0A= int len;=0A= int textAveWidth;=0A= =0A= HDC hdc;=0A= HWND hwnd; =0A= PAINTSTRUCT ps;=0A= RECT rect,updateRect;=0A= =0A= HANDLE keyPressed;=0A= char KeyThatWasHit;=0A= =0A= HANDLE TimerExpiry;=0A= unsigned char WaitingOnTimer =3D FALSE;=0A= static unsigned int Ticks =3D 0;=0A= void MainStubThread (PVOID pvoid);=0A= =0A= LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);=0A= =0A= int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, =0A= PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) {=0A= =0A= static char szAppName[] =3D "HelloWin";=0A= MSG msg;=0A= WNDCLASSEX wndClass;=0A= =0A= wndClass.cbSize =3D sizeof (wndClass);=0A= =3D CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC;=0A= wndClass.lpfnWndProc =3D WndProc;=0A= wndClass.cbClsExtra =3D 0;=0A= wndClass.cbWndExtra =3D 0;=0A= wndClass.hInstance =3D hInstance;=0A= wndClass.hIcon =3D LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);=0A= wndClass.hCursor =3D LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);=0A= wndClass.hbrBackground =3D (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);=0A= =0A= wndClass.lpszMenuName =3D NULL;=0A= wndClass.lpszClassName =3D szAppName;=0A= wndClass.hIconSm =3D LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);=0A= =0A= RegisterClassEx (&wndClass);=0A= =0A= hwnd =3D CreateWindow (szAppName,=0A= "SimpleWindow = = DHS Computer Science",=0A= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,=0A= CW_USEDEFAULT,=0A= CW_USEDEFAULT,=0A= (MAXXFONTSIZE*(XSIZE+1)) + 15,=0A= (MAXYFONTSIZE*(YSIZE+1)) + 15,=0A= NULL,=0A= NULL,=0A= hInstance,=0A= NULL);=0A= =0A= ShowWindow (hwnd, iCmdShow);=0A= UpdateWindow (hwnd); =0A= =0A= if (screen =3D=3D NULLP) {=0A= initScreen();=0A= }=0A= =0A= while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {=0A= TranslateMessage(&msg);=0A= DispatchMessage(&msg);=0A= }=0A= =0A= return msg.wParam;=0A= =0A= } // FNCTION=0A= =0A= LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam,=0A= LPARAM lParam) {=0A= PAINTSTRUCT ps;=0A= RECT rect;=0A= TEXTMETRIC tm;=0A= =0A= switch (iMsg) {=0A= case WM_CREATE :=0A= =0A= hdc =3D GetDC (hwnd);=0A= GetTextMetrics (hdc,&tm);=0A= textAveWidth =3D tm.tmAveCharWidth;=0A= ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);=0A= =0A= initKeyboard();=0A= =0A= SetTimer (hwnd, 99, TIMER_GRANULARITY, NULL);=0A= TimerExpiry =3D CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL);=0A= =0A= if (screen =3D=3D NULLP) {=0A= initScreen();=0A= }=0A= GraphicScreen.Draw();=0A= Refresh();=0A= #ifdef THREADS=0A= _beginthread(MainStubThread,0,NULLP);=0A= #else=0A= MainStubThread(0);=0A= #endif=0A= return 0;=0A= =0A= case WM_PAINT :=0A= =0A= GetUpdateRect (hwnd, &updateRect, TRUE);=0A= =0A= hdc =3D BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);=0A= GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect);=0A= if (screen =3D=3D NULLP) {=0A= initScreen();=0A= }=0A= Refresh();=0A= EndPaint (hwnd, &ps);=0A= return 0;=0A= =0A= case WM_CHAR :=0A= KeyThatWasHit =3D wParam;=0A= SetEvent(keyPressed);=0A= return 0;=0A= =0A= case WM_TIMER : =0A= if (WaitingOnTimer) {=0A= SetEvent(TimerExpiry);=0A= }=0A= Ticks++;=0A= return 0;=0A= =0A= case WM_DESTROY :=0A= KillTimer (hwnd,99);=0A= free(screen);=0A= PostQuitMessage (0);=0A= return 0;=0A= }=0A= return DefWindowProc (hwnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam);=0A= }=0A= =0A= void putSTR (char* str) {=0A= simplePutString(str);=0A= }=0A= =0A= void putINT (int num) {=0A= sprintf(buffer,"%d",num);=0A= simplePutString(buffer);=0A= }=0A= =0A= void putUINT (unsigned int num) {=0A= sprintf(buffer,"%u",num);=0A= simplePutString(buffer);=0A= }=0A= =0A= void putCHAR (char chr) {=0A= sprintf(buffer,"%c",chr);=0A= simplePutString(buffer);=0A= }=0A= =0A= void putFLOAT (float num) {=0A= sprintf(buffer,"%f",num);=0A= simplePutString(buffer);=0A= }=0A= =0A= void BlankScreen () {=0A= InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE);=0A= }=0A= =0A= void ClearScreen () {=0A= =0A= int x, y;=0A= =0A= for (x=3D0 ; x < XSIZE ; x++) {=0A= for (y=3D0 ; y < YSIZE ; y++) {=0A= screen->TextStorage[x][y] =3D ' ';=0A= }=0A= }=0A= screen->xPos =3D 0;=0A= screen->yPos =3D 0;=0A= screen->topLine =3D 0;=0A= =0A= BlankScreen();=0A= Refresh();=0A= =0A= }=0A= =0A= int gotoxy (unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {=0A= =0A= if (x < XSIZE) {=0A= if (y < YSIZE) {=0A= screen->yPos =3D (y + screen->topLine) % YSIZE;=0A= screen->xPos =3D x;=0A= return OK;=0A= } else {=0A= sprintf(buffer,"Illegal Y param for gotoxy: %d",y);=0A= MESSAGE (buffer);=0A= return ERRORS;=0A= }=0A= } else {=0A= sprintf(buffer,"Illegal X param for gotoxy: %d",x);=0A= MESSAGE (buffer);=0A= return ERRORS;=0A= }=0A= }=0A= =0A= int initScreen () {=0A= =0A= unsigned int counter;=0A= char* temp;=0A= =0A= // SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(0,0,0));=0A= SelectObject(hdc,GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));=0A= pen =3D CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, 0);=0A= =0A= SelectObject(hdc,pen);=0A= =0A= nopen =3D FALSE;=0A= =0A= UpdateWindow(hwnd);=0A= =0A= screen =3D (ScreenStateInfo *)malloc(sizeof(ScreenStateInfo));=0A= if (screen =3D=3D NULLP) {=0A= MESSAGE("Could not start terminal screen\n");=0A= return ERRORS;=0A= }=0A= =0A= for (counter=3D0, temp =3D (char *)screen;=0A= counter < sizeof(ScreenStateInfo);=0A= counter++, temp++) {=0A= *temp =3D ' ';=0A= }=0A= screen->xPos =3D 0;=0A= screen->yPos =3D 0;=0A= screen->topLine =3D 0;=0A= =0A= gotoxy(0,0);=0A= simplePutString("SimpleWindow Developed by: Joel Orvis = 1997\n");=0A= simplePutString("Console Started...\n\n");=0A= =0A= return OK;=0A= }=0A= =0A= unsigned int RealCurrentLine(unsigned int line) {=0A= =0A= return (YSIZE+(line-screen->topLine))%YSIZE;=0A= }=0A= =0A= void Refresh() {=0A= =0A= LONG line;=0A= LONG count;=0A= =0A= GraphicScreen.Draw();=0A= for (line =3D MIN((,YSIZE) ; =0A= line < MIN((updateRect.bottom/MAXYFONTSIZE)+1,YSIZE) ; line++) {=0A= for (count =3D MIN((updateRect.left/MAXXFONTSIZE)-1,XSIZE) ; =0A= count < MIN((updateRect.right/MAXXFONTSIZE)+1,XSIZE) ; count++) {=0A= if ((count >=3D0) && (line >=3D0) && = (screen->TextStorage[count][line] !=3D ' '))=0A= = ScreenPrint(count,RealCurrentLine(line),screen->TextStorage[count][line])= ;=0A= }=0A= }=0A= ValidateRect(hwnd,NULL);=0A= =0A= }=0A= =0A= =0A= unsigned int xPos (unsigned int x) {=0A= return MAXXFONTSIZE*x;=0A= }=0A= =0A= unsigned int yPos (unsigned int y) {=0A= return MAXYFONTSIZE*y;=0A= } =0A= =0A= =0A= void ScreenPrint(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, char ch) {=0A= TextOut (hdc, xPos(x), yPos(y), &ch, 1);=0A= };=0A= =0A= int state =3D 0;=0A= =0A= void ScrollScreen() {=0A= =0A= unsigned int count;=0A= // RECT tempRect;=0A= =0A= if (state =3D=3D 1) {=0A= return;=0A= }=0A= =0A= state =3D 1;=0A= ScrollWindow(hwnd, 0, -1*MAXYFONTSIZE, NULL, NULL);=0A= // ValidateRect(hwnd,NULL); =0A= =0A= // tempRect.left =3D 0;=0A= // tempRect.right =3D MAXXFONTSIZE*XSIZE;=0A= // =3D (YSIZE-4)*MAXYFONTSIZE;=0A= // tempRect.bottom =3D + 2*MAXYFONTSIZE;=0A= =0A= // InvalidateRect(hwnd,&tempRect,TRUE);=0A= =0A= for (count =3D 0 ; count < XSIZE ; count++) {=0A= screen->TextStorage[count][screen->topLine] =3D ' ';=0A= }=0A= screen->topLine++;=0A= if (screen->topLine =3D=3D YSIZE) {=0A= screen->topLine =3D 0;=0A= }=0A= =0A= BlankScreen();=0A= Refresh();=0A= =0A= state =3D 0;=0A= }=0A= =0A= void simplePutString (char* msg) {=0A= =0A= unsigned int count;=0A= RECT tempRect;=0A= =0A= for (count =3D 0; msg[count] !=3D '\0' ; count++) {=0A= switch (msg[count]) {=0A= case '\r' :=0A= screen->xPos =3D 0;=0A= break;=0A= case '\n' :=0A= screen->xPos =3D 0;=0A= screen->yPos++;=0A= if (screen->yPos =3D=3D YSIZE) {=0A= screen->yPos =3D 0;=0A= }=0A= if (screen->yPos =3D=3D screen->topLine) {=0A= ScrollScreen();=0A= }=0A= break;=0A= case '\f' :=0A= InvalidateRect(hwnd,NULL,TRUE);=0A= Refresh();=0A= break;=0A= case '\010' :=0A= case '\177' : //BACK SPACE or DELETE=0A= if (screen->xPos > 0) {=0A= screen->xPos--;=0A= screen->TextStorage[screen->xPos][screen->yPos] =3D ' ';=0A= //BlankScreen();=0A= tempRect.left =3D screen->xPos * MAXXFONTSIZE;=0A= tempRect.right =3D tempRect.left + MAXXFONTSIZE;=0A= =3D RealCurrentLine(screen->yPos)*MAXYFONTSIZE;=0A= tempRect.bottom =3D + MAXYFONTSIZE;=0A= InvalidateRect(hwnd,&tempRect,TRUE);=0A= Refresh();=0A= }=0A= break;=0A= default :=0A= screen->TextStorage[screen->xPos][screen->yPos] =3D msg[count];=0A= if (msg[count] !=3D ' ') {=0A= = ScreenPrint(screen->xPos,RealCurrentLine(screen->yPos),msg[count]);=0A= }=0A= tempRect.left =3D screen->xPos * MAXXFONTSIZE;=0A= tempRect.right =3D tempRect.left + MAXXFONTSIZE;=0A= =3D RealCurrentLine(screen->yPos)*MAXYFONTSIZE;=0A= tempRect.bottom =3D + MAXYFONTSIZE;=0A= InvalidateRect(hwnd,&tempRect,TRUE);=0A= =0A= screen->xPos++;=0A= if (screen->xPos =3D=3D XSIZE) {=0A= screen->xPos =3D 0;=0A= screen->yPos++;=0A= if (screen->yPos =3D=3D YSIZE) {=0A= screen->yPos =3D 0;=0A= }=0A= if (screen->yPos =3D=3D screen->topLine) {=0A= ScrollScreen();=0A= }=0A= }=0A= } =0A= } =0A= Refresh();=0A= }=0A= =0A= void MainStubThread (PVOID pvoid) {=0A= MyMain();=0A= MessageBox (hwnd, "Program Finished", "SimpleWindow Message", = MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);=0A= #ifdef THREADS=0A= _endthread();=0A= #endif=0A= }=0A= =0A= void initKeyboard() {=0A= keyPressed =3D CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL);=0A= }=0A= =0A= char getCHAR () {=0A= =0A= char temp;=0A= =0A= WaitForSingleObject(keyPressed,INFINITE);=0A= putCHAR(KeyThatWasHit);=0A= temp =3D KeyThatWasHit;=0A= KeyThatWasHit =3D '\0';=0A= =0A= return temp;=0A= =0A= }=0A= =0A= char scanCHAR () {=0A= =0A= char temp;=0A= =0A= WaitForSingleObject(keyPressed,INFINITE);=0A= temp =3D KeyThatWasHit;=0A= KeyThatWasHit =3D '\0';=0A= =0A= return temp;=0A= =0A= }=0A= =0A= char nBScanCHAR() {=0A= =0A= char temp =3D KeyThatWasHit;=0A= =0A= KeyThatWasHit =3D '\0';=0A= return temp;=0A= =0A= }=0A= =0A= int getSTR (char* buf) {=0A= =0A= int size;=0A= char temp;=0A= =0A= =0A= for(size =3D 0 ; ; size++) {=0A= WaitForSingleObject(keyPressed,INFINITE);=0A= temp =3D KeyThatWasHit;=0A= KeyThatWasHit =3D '\0';=0A= switch(temp) {=0A= =0A= case '\r' : =0A= case '\n' :=0A= putCHAR('\n');=0A= buf[size] =3D '\0';=0A= return size;=0A= =0A= case '\010' :=0A= case '\177' :=0A= if (size > 0) {=0A= buf[size-1] =3D '\0';=0A= putCHAR(temp);=0A= size -=3D2;=0A= continue;=0A= } else {=0A= size =3D -1;=0A= continue;=0A= }=0A= default :=0A= if (size =3D=3D 1023)=0A= return 1023;=0A= buf[size] =3D temp;=0A= buf[size+1] =3D '\0';=0A= putCHAR(temp);=0A= }=0A= =0A= }=0A= =0A= }=0A= =0A= int getINT () {=0A= =0A= int temp =3D 0;=0A= char buf[100];=0A= =0A= getSTR (buf);=0A= sscanf(buf,"%d",&temp);=0A= return temp;=0A= =0A= }=0A= =0A= unsigned int getUINT () {=0A= =0A= unsigned int temp =3D 0;=0A= char buf[100];=0A= =0A= getSTR (buf);=0A= sscanf(buf,"%u",&temp);=0A= return temp;=0A= =0A= }=0A= =0A= float getFLOAT () {=0A= =0A= float temp =3D 0;=0A= char buf[100];=0A= =0A= getSTR (buf);=0A= sscanf(buf,"%f",&temp);=0A= return temp;=0A= =0A= }=0A= =0A= =0A= unsigned int SysTime() {=0A= return Ticks;=0A= }=0A= =0A= void Wait (unsigned int userTicks) {=0A= =0A= unsigned int wakeUp;=0A= =0A= wakeUp =3D userTicks + SysTime();=0A= for (;SysTime() < wakeUp;) {=0A= WaitingOnTimer =3D TRUE;=0A= WaitForSingleObject(TimerExpiry,INFINITE);=0A= }=0A= WaitingOnTimer =3D FALSE;=0A= =0A= }=0A= ------=_NextPart_000_01BE132C.0ACF5040 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="DHSWIN.C" Content-Description: Dhswin (C File) Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="DHSWIN.C" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable // Test for Mr. Sourtzis #include "graphics.h" #include "dhs.h" extern GraphicDrawQueue GraphicScreen; extern HPEN pen; extern int nopen; char Tbuffer[2048]; extern void MyMain(); Colour BACKGROUND =3D RGB(255,255,255); typedef struct { unsigned int xPos; unsigned int yPos; char TextStorage[XSIZE][YSIZE]; unsigned int topLine; } ScreenStateInfo; ScreenStateInfo* screen; char buffer[BUFSIZE]; =20 int len; int textAveWidth; HDC hdc; HWND hwnd;=09 PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rect,updateRect; HANDLE keyPressed; char KeyThatWasHit; HANDLE TimerExpiry; unsigned char WaitingOnTimer =3D FALSE; static unsigned int Ticks =3D 0; void MainStubThread (PVOID pvoid); LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,=20 PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) { static char szAppName[] =3D "HelloWin"; MSG msg; WNDCLASSEX wndClass; =09 wndClass.cbSize =3D sizeof (wndClass); =3D CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC; wndClass.lpfnWndProc =3D WndProc; wndClass.cbClsExtra =3D 0; wndClass.cbWndExtra =3D 0; wndClass.hInstance =3D hInstance; wndClass.hIcon =3D LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wndClass.hCursor =3D LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW); wndClass.hbrBackground =3D (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); wndClass.lpszMenuName =3D NULL; wndClass.lpszClassName =3D szAppName; wndClass.hIconSm =3D LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); RegisterClassEx (&wndClass); hwnd =3D CreateWindow (szAppName, "SimpleWindow = = DHS Computer Science", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, (MAXXFONTSIZE*(XSIZE+1)) + 15, (MAXYFONTSIZE*(YSIZE+1)) + 15, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); ShowWindow (hwnd, iCmdShow); UpdateWindow (hwnd); =20 if (screen =3D=3D NULLP) { initScreen(); } while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return msg.wParam; } // FNCTION LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rect; TEXTMETRIC tm; switch (iMsg) { case WM_CREATE : hdc =3D GetDC (hwnd); GetTextMetrics (hdc,&tm); textAveWidth =3D tm.tmAveCharWidth; ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); initKeyboard(); SetTimer (hwnd, 99, TIMER_GRANULARITY, NULL); TimerExpiry =3D CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); if (screen =3D=3D NULLP) { initScreen(); } GraphicScreen.Draw(); Refresh(); #ifdef THREADS _beginthread(MainStubThread,0,NULLP); #else MainStubThread(0); #endif return 0; case WM_PAINT : GetUpdateRect (hwnd, &updateRect, TRUE); =09 hdc =3D BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect); if (screen =3D=3D NULLP) { initScreen(); } Refresh(); EndPaint (hwnd, &ps); return 0; case WM_CHAR : KeyThatWasHit =3D wParam; SetEvent(keyPressed); return 0; case WM_TIMER :=20 if (WaitingOnTimer) { SetEvent(TimerExpiry); } Ticks++; return 0; case WM_DESTROY : KillTimer (hwnd,99); free(screen); PostQuitMessage (0); return 0; } return DefWindowProc (hwnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam); } void putSTR (char* str) { simplePutString(str); } void putINT (int num) { sprintf(buffer,"%d",num); simplePutString(buffer); } void putUINT (unsigned int num) { sprintf(buffer,"%u",num); simplePutString(buffer); } void putCHAR (char chr) { sprintf(buffer,"%c",chr); simplePutString(buffer); } void putFLOAT (float num) { sprintf(buffer,"%f",num); simplePutString(buffer); } void BlankScreen () { InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE); } void ClearScreen () { int x, y; for (x=3D0 ; x < XSIZE ; x++) { for (y=3D0 ; y < YSIZE ; y++) { screen->TextStorage[x][y] =3D ' '; } } screen->xPos =3D 0; screen->yPos =3D 0; screen->topLine =3D 0; =09 BlankScreen(); Refresh(); } int gotoxy (unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { if (x < XSIZE) { if (y < YSIZE) { screen->yPos =3D (y + screen->topLine) % YSIZE; screen->xPos =3D x; return OK; } else { sprintf(buffer,"Illegal Y param for gotoxy: %d",y); MESSAGE (buffer); return ERRORS; } } else { sprintf(buffer,"Illegal X param for gotoxy: %d",x); MESSAGE (buffer); return ERRORS; } } int initScreen () { unsigned int counter; char* temp; // SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(0,0,0)); SelectObject(hdc,GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)); pen =3D CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, 0); SelectObject(hdc,pen); =09 nopen =3D FALSE; UpdateWindow(hwnd); =09 screen =3D (ScreenStateInfo *)malloc(sizeof(ScreenStateInfo)); if (screen =3D=3D NULLP) { MESSAGE("Could not start terminal screen\n"); return ERRORS; } for (counter=3D0, temp =3D (char *)screen; counter < sizeof(ScreenStateInfo); counter++, temp++) { *temp =3D ' '; } screen->xPos =3D 0; screen->yPos =3D 0; screen->topLine =3D 0; gotoxy(0,0); simplePutString("SimpleWindow Developed by: Joel Orvis 1997\n"); simplePutString("Console Started...\n\n"); =20 return OK; } unsigned int RealCurrentLine(unsigned int line) { return (YSIZE+(line-screen->topLine))%YSIZE; } void Refresh() { LONG line; LONG count; GraphicScreen.Draw(); for (line =3D MIN((,YSIZE) ;=20 line < MIN((updateRect.bottom/MAXYFONTSIZE)+1,YSIZE) ; line++) { for (count =3D MIN((updateRect.left/MAXXFONTSIZE)-1,XSIZE) ;=20 count < MIN((updateRect.right/MAXXFONTSIZE)+1,XSIZE) ; count++) { if ((count >=3D0) && (line >=3D0) && = (screen->TextStorage[count][line] !=3D ' ')) = ScreenPrint(count,RealCurrentLine(line),screen->TextStorage[count][line])= ; } } ValidateRect(hwnd,NULL); } unsigned int xPos (unsigned int x) { return MAXXFONTSIZE*x; } unsigned int yPos (unsigned int y) { return MAXYFONTSIZE*y; } =20 void ScreenPrint(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, char ch) { TextOut (hdc, xPos(x), yPos(y), &ch, 1); }; int state =3D 0; void ScrollScreen() { unsigned int count; // RECT tempRect; if (state =3D=3D 1) { return; } state =3D 1; ScrollWindow(hwnd, 0, -1*MAXYFONTSIZE, NULL, NULL); // ValidateRect(hwnd,NULL);=09 // tempRect.left =3D 0; // tempRect.right =3D MAXXFONTSIZE*XSIZE; // =3D (YSIZE-4)*MAXYFONTSIZE; // tempRect.bottom =3D + 2*MAXYFONTSIZE; // InvalidateRect(hwnd,&tempRect,TRUE); for (count =3D 0 ; count < XSIZE ; count++) { screen->TextStorage[count][screen->topLine] =3D ' '; } screen->topLine++; if (screen->topLine =3D=3D YSIZE) { screen->topLine =3D 0; } BlankScreen(); Refresh(); state =3D 0; } void simplePutString (char* msg) { unsigned int count; RECT tempRect; for (count =3D 0; msg[count] !=3D '\0' ; count++) { switch (msg[count]) { case '\r' : screen->xPos =3D 0; break; case '\n' : screen->xPos =3D 0; screen->yPos++; if (screen->yPos =3D=3D YSIZE) { screen->yPos =3D 0; } if (screen->yPos =3D=3D screen->topLine) { ScrollScreen(); } break; case '\f' : InvalidateRect(hwnd,NULL,TRUE); Refresh(); break; case '\010' : case '\177' : //BACK SPACE or DELETE if (screen->xPos > 0) { screen->xPos--; screen->TextStorage[screen->xPos][screen->yPos] =3D ' '; //BlankScreen(); tempRect.left =3D screen->xPos * MAXXFONTSIZE; tempRect.right =3D tempRect.left + MAXXFONTSIZE; =3D RealCurrentLine(screen->yPos)*MAXYFONTSIZE; tempRect.bottom =3D + MAXYFONTSIZE; InvalidateRect(hwnd,&tempRect,TRUE); Refresh(); } break; default : screen->TextStorage[screen->xPos][screen->yPos] =3D msg[count]; if (msg[count] !=3D ' ') { ScreenPrint(screen->xPos,RealCurrentLine(screen->yPos),msg[count]); } tempRect.left =3D screen->xPos * MAXXFONTSIZE; tempRect.right =3D tempRect.left + MAXXFONTSIZE; =3D RealCurrentLine(screen->yPos)*MAXYFONTSIZE; tempRect.bottom =3D + MAXYFONTSIZE; InvalidateRect(hwnd,&tempRect,TRUE); screen->xPos++; if (screen->xPos =3D=3D XSIZE) { screen->xPos =3D 0; screen->yPos++; if (screen->yPos =3D=3D YSIZE) { screen->yPos =3D 0; } if (screen->yPos =3D=3D screen->topLine) { ScrollScreen(); } } } =09 } =09 Refresh(); } void MainStubThread (PVOID pvoid) { MyMain(); MessageBox (hwnd, "Program Finished", "SimpleWindow Message", = MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); #ifdef THREADS _endthread(); #endif } void initKeyboard() { keyPressed =3D CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); } char getCHAR () { char temp; WaitForSingleObject(keyPressed,INFINITE); putCHAR(KeyThatWasHit); temp =3D KeyThatWasHit; KeyThatWasHit =3D '\0'; return temp; } char scanCHAR () { char temp; WaitForSingleObject(keyPressed,INFINITE); temp =3D KeyThatWasHit; KeyThatWasHit =3D '\0'; return temp; } char nBScanCHAR() { char temp =3D KeyThatWasHit; KeyThatWasHit =3D '\0'; return temp; } int getSTR (char* buf) { =09 int size; char temp; for(size =3D 0 ; ; size++) { WaitForSingleObject(keyPressed,INFINITE); temp =3D KeyThatWasHit; KeyThatWasHit =3D '\0'; switch(temp) { case '\r' :=20 case '\n' : putCHAR('\n'); buf[size] =3D '\0'; return size; =09 case '\010' : case '\177' : if (size > 0) { buf[size-1] =3D '\0'; putCHAR(temp); size -=3D2; continue; } else { size =3D -1; continue; } default : if (size =3D=3D 1023) return 1023; buf[size] =3D temp; buf[size+1] =3D '\0'; putCHAR(temp); } =09 } } int getINT () { int temp =3D 0; char buf[100]; getSTR (buf); sscanf(buf,"%d",&temp); return temp; } unsigned int getUINT () { unsigned int temp =3D 0; char buf[100]; getSTR (buf); sscanf(buf,"%u",&temp); return temp; } float getFLOAT () { float temp =3D 0; char buf[100]; getSTR (buf); sscanf(buf,"%f",&temp); return temp; } unsigned int SysTime() { return Ticks; } void Wait (unsigned int userTicks) { unsigned int wakeUp; wakeUp =3D userTicks + SysTime(); for (;SysTime() < wakeUp;) { WaitingOnTimer =3D TRUE; WaitForSingleObject(TimerExpiry,INFINITE); } WaitingOnTimer =3D FALSE; } ------=_NextPart_000_01BE132C.0ACF5040 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="DHS.H" Content-Description: Dhs (H File) Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="DHS.H" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable #include =0A= #include =0A= #include =0A= #include =0A= #include "userdefs.h"=0A= =0A= #define MESSAGE(x) len =3D sprintf(Tbuffer, "On line %d in file = %s-->\n\"%s\"", __LINE__, __FILE__, x); \=0A= MessageBox (hwnd, Tbuffer, "SimpleConsole Message", = MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);=0A= #define MIN(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))=0A= #define MAX(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (y) : (x))=0A= =0A= void putSTR (char* str);=0A= void putINT (int num);=0A= void putUINT (unsigned int num);=0A= void putCHAR (char chr);=0A= void putFLOAT (float num);=0A= int gotoxy (unsigned int x, unsigned int y);=0A= void Refresh ();=0A= void ClearScreen ();=0A= =0A= char getCHAR ();=0A= int getSTR (char* buf);=0A= int getINT ();=0A= unsigned int getUINT ();=0A= float getFLOAT ();=0A= =0A= char scanCHAR ();=0A= char nBScanCHAR ();=0A= =0A= unsigned int SysTime ();=0A= void Wait (unsigned int userTicks);=0A= =0A= =0A= /* System Functions, do not edit or call directly! */=0A= =0A= #define BUFSIZE 2048=0A= #define THREADS=0A= #define ERRORS 0xff=0A= #define OK 1=0A= #define TRUE 1=0A= #define FALSE 0=0A= #define NULLP 0=0A= =0A= #define MAXXFONTSIZE 14=0A= #define MAXYFONTSIZE 20=0A= =0A= void simplePutString (char* msg);=0A= int initScreen ();=0A= void initKeyboard ();=0A= void ScreenPrint (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, char ch);=0A= ------=_NextPart_000_01BE132C.0ACF5040 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="GRAPHICS.CPP" Content-Description: Graphics.cpp (CPP File) Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="GRAPHICS.CPP" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit #include "dhs.h" #include "graphics.h" #define NULL 0 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 extern int len; extern char* Tbuffer; extern HWND hwnd; extern HDC hdc; extern Colour BACKGROUND; extern void Refresh(); HPEN pen; int nopen = TRUE; Colour penColour = 0; int penThickness = 1; int assign = 1; GraphicDrawQueue GraphicScreen; void GraphicObject::Draw(){ } void GraphicObject::Erase() { } void GraphicObject::ColourMe(int RGB) { myColour = RGB; switch (objectType) { case LINE : ((Line *)(this))->Draw(); break; case CIRCLE : ((Circle *)(this))->Draw(); break; case RECTANGLE : ((Rectangl *)(this))->Draw(); break; case ELLIPSE : ((Ellips *)(this))->Draw(); break; default : MESSAGE("Unkown graphic object in ColourMe"); } } int GraphicObject::WhoIsThis() { return identifier; } GraphicDrawQueue::GraphicDrawQueue() { list = NULL; } GraphicDrawQueue::~GraphicDrawQueue() { GraphicObject* temp=list; for(;temp != NULL;temp = temp->next) { temp->Erase(); delete temp; } } int GraphicDrawQueue::Add(GraphicObject* Graphic) { GraphicObject* temp=list; GraphicObject* prev=list; int counter=0; if (list == NULL) { list = Graphic; Graphic->next = NULL; return TRUE; } for(;temp != NULL;prev = temp, temp = temp->next, counter++); prev->next = Graphic; Graphic->next = NULL; return TRUE; } int GraphicDrawQueue::Remove(int identifier) { GraphicObject* temp=list; GraphicObject* prev=list; if (list == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (list->identifier != identifier) { for(;((temp != NULL) && (temp->identifier != identifier)); prev = temp, temp = temp->next); } else { ChangeColour(identifier, RGB(255,255,255)); list = temp->next; goto DELOBJ; } if (temp != NULL) { ChangeColour(temp->identifier, RGB(255,255,255)); prev->next = temp->next; DELOBJ: switch (temp->objectType) { case LINE : delete ((Line *)(temp)); break; case CIRCLE : delete ((Circle *)(temp)); break; case RECTANGLE : delete ((Rectangl *)(temp)); break; case ELLIPSE : delete ((Ellips *)(temp)); break; default : MESSAGE("Unkown graphic object in Remove"); } delete temp; } else { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void GraphicDrawQueue::Draw () { GraphicObject* temp=list; for(;(temp != NULL);temp = temp->next) { switch (temp->objectType) { case LINE : ((Line *)(temp))->Draw(); break; case CIRCLE : ((Circle *)(temp))->Draw(); break; case RECTANGLE : ((Rectangl *)(temp))->Draw(); break; case ELLIPSE : ((Ellips *)(temp))->Draw(); break; default : MESSAGE("Unkown graphic object in Draw"); } } } void GraphicDrawQueue::Erase () { GraphicObject *temp=list; for(;(temp != NULL);temp = temp->next) { temp->Erase(); } } int GraphicDrawQueue::ColourThem (int identifier, Colour RGB ){ GraphicObject* temp=list; if (list == NULL) { return FALSE; } for(;((temp != NULL) && (temp->WhoIsThis() != identifier)); temp = temp->next); if (temp != NULL) { temp->ColourMe(RGB); } else { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } Circle::Circle (int radiusU, int centreXU, int centreYU) { radius = radiusU; centreX = centreXU; centreY = centreYU; myColour = penColour; myThickness = penThickness; if (! GraphicScreen.Add(this)) { MESSAGE ("DRAWFAILED!"); } identifier = assign++; objectType = CIRCLE; } Circle::~Circle () { // GraphicScreen.Remove(identifier); } void Circle::Draw() { Colour tempColour; int tempThickness; tempColour = penColour; tempThickness = penThickness; PenColour(myColour); PenThickness(myThickness); Ellipse (hdc, centreX-radius, centreY-radius, centreX+radius, centreY+radius); PenColour(tempColour); PenThickness(tempThickness); } Line::Line (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) { x1 = X1; y1 = Y1; x2 = X2; y2 = Y2; myColour = penColour; myThickness = penThickness; if (! GraphicScreen.Add(this)) { MESSAGE ("DRAWFAILED!"); } identifier = assign++; objectType = LINE; } Line::~Line () { // GraphicScreen.Remove(identifier); } void Line::Draw() { Colour tempColour; int tempThickness; tempColour = penColour; tempThickness = penThickness; PenColour(myColour); PenThickness(myThickness); MoveToEx(hdc, x1, y1, NULL); LineTo(hdc, x2, y2); PenColour(tempColour); PenThickness(tempThickness); } Rectangl::Rectangl (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) { topX = X1; topY = Y1; bottomX = X2; bottomY = Y2; myColour = penColour; myThickness = penThickness; if (! GraphicScreen.Add(this)) { MESSAGE ("DRAWFAILED!"); } identifier = assign++; objectType = RECTANGLE; } Rectangl::~Rectangl () { // GraphicScreen.Remove(identifier); } void Rectangl::Draw() { Colour tempColour; int tempThickness; tempColour = penColour; tempThickness = penThickness; PenColour(myColour); PenThickness(myThickness); Rectangle(hdc, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY); PenColour(tempColour); PenThickness(tempThickness); } Ellips::Ellips (int rx, int ry, int cx, int cy) { radiusX = rx; radiusY = ry; centreX = cx; centreY = cy; myColour = penColour; myThickness = penThickness; if (! GraphicScreen.Add(this)) { MESSAGE ("DRAWFAILED!"); } identifier = assign++; objectType = ELLIPSE; } Ellips::~Ellips () { // GraphicScreen.Remove(identifier); } void Ellips::Draw() { Colour tempColour; int tempThickness; tempColour = penColour; tempThickness = penThickness; PenColour(myColour); PenThickness(myThickness); Ellipse(hdc, centreX-radiusX, centreY-radiusY, centreX+radiusX, centreY+radiusY); PenThickness(tempThickness); PenColour(tempColour); } int DrawCircle(int radius, int x, int y) { Circle* circle; circle = new Circle(radius,x,y); if (circle) circle->Draw(); return (circle) ? (circle->WhoIsThis()):(0); } int DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { Line* line; line = new Line(x1,y1,x2,y2); if (line) line->Draw(); return (line) ? (line->WhoIsThis()):(0); } int DrawEllipse(int rx, int ry, int x, int y) { Ellips* ellipse; ellipse = new Ellips(rx, ry, x, y); if (ellipse) ellipse->Draw(); return (ellipse) ? (ellipse->WhoIsThis()):(0); } int DrawRectangle(int topx, int topy, int botx, int boty) { Rectangl *rectangle; rectangle = new Rectangl(topx, topy, botx, boty); if (rectangle) rectangle->Draw(); return (rectangle) ? (rectangle->WhoIsThis()):(0); } void BackGroundColour (Colour colour) { SetBkColor(hdc, colour); } void PenColour (Colour colour) { HPEN tempPen = pen; pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,penThickness,colour); SelectObject(hdc,pen); if (! nopen) { DeleteObject(tempPen); nopen=TRUE; } penColour = colour; nopen = FALSE; } void PenThickness (int thickness) { HPEN tempPen = pen; pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,thickness,penColour); SelectObject(hdc,pen); if (! nopen) { DeleteObject(tempPen); nopen=TRUE; } penThickness = thickness; nopen = FALSE; } int ChangeColour(int identifier, Colour colour) { return GraphicScreen.ColourThem(identifier, colour); } int DeleteGraphic(int identifier) { return GraphicScreen.Remove(identifier); } ------=_NextPart_000_01BE132C.0ACF5040 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="GRAPHICS.H" Content-Description: Graphics (H File) Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="GRAPHICS.H" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit #ifndef __GRAPHICS__ #define __GRAPHICS__ #define LINE 1 #define CIRCLE 2 #define RECTANGLE 3 #define ELLIPSE 4 typedef unsigned long int Colour; class GraphicObject { friend class GraphicDrawQueue; friend class Circle; friend class Line; friend class Rectangl; friend class Ellips; public: void Draw (); void Erase (); void ColourMe(int RGB); int WhoIsThis(); private: GraphicObject *next; int myColour; int myThickness; int identifier; int objectType; }; class Line : public GraphicObject { public: Line (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2); ~Line(); void Draw (); private: int x1; int y1; int x2; int y2; }; class Circle : public GraphicObject { public: Circle (int radiusU, int centreXU, int centreYU); ~Circle (); void Draw (); private: int radius; int centreX; int centreY; }; class Rectangl : public GraphicObject { public: Rectangl (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2); ~Rectangl(); void Draw (); private: int topX; int topY; int bottomX; int bottomY; }; class Ellips : public GraphicObject { public: Ellips (int rx, int ry, int cx, int cy); ~Ellips(); void Draw (); private: int radiusX; int radiusY; int centreX; int centreY; }; class GraphicDrawQueue { public: GraphicDrawQueue(); ~GraphicDrawQueue(); void Draw (); void Erase (); int ColourThem (int identifier, Colour RGB); int Add (GraphicObject* Graphic); int Remove (int identifier); private: GraphicObject *list; }; int DrawCircle(int radius, int x, int y); int DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); int DrawEllipse(int rx, int ry, int x, int y); int DrawRectangle(int topx, int topy, int botx, int boty); void BackGroundColour (Colour colour); void PenColour (Colour colour); void PenThickness (int thickness); int ChangeColour(int identifier, Colour colour); int DeleteGraphic(int identifier); #endif ------=_NextPart_000_01BE132C.0ACF5040 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="USERDEFS.H" Content-Description: Userdefs (H File) Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="USERDEFS.H" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit // User definable values #define TIMER_GRANULARITY 50 // clock period default 1/20 second #define XSIZE 50 // number of columns default 50 #define YSIZE 20 // number of rows default 20 ------=_NextPart_000_01BE132C.0ACF5040--