Message-Id: Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET)" Organization: INTI To: tst AT np DOT ac DOT sg (Teoh Soh Tin), djgpp AT delorie DOT com Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 14:12:07 +0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: Re: Rhide Environment Setting In-reply-to: <6lo38h$> Precedence: bulk tst AT np DOT ac DOT sg (Teoh Soh Tin) wrote: > How to setup rhide environment parameters such that whenever a c program is compiled with djgpp, the object code and exe files are > resided in the same directory as the source code ? > The default rhide setting have the object code and exe code resided in a place where rhide is called. Even if the object directory is explicitly > defined to be the same as the source code directory, t... Just run RHIDE from the directory where your sources are located. I think you are using a Windows9x "direct access" icon to call RHIDE. The natural (and here natural means: what Robert and me are use to make) is: Start a SHELL (MSDOS for example) from W95. Change the directory to the one where the sources are and run rhide. If you want to use icons create one icon by project specifying the working directory. SET ------------------------------------ 0 -------------------------------- Visit my home page: or Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET). (Electronics Engineer) Alternative e-mail: set-soft AT usa DOT net set AT computer DOT org ICQ: 2951574 Address: Curapaligue 2124, Caseros, 3 de Febrero Buenos Aires, (1678), ARGENTINA TE: +(541) 759 0013