Message-Id: Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET)" Organization: INTI To: "Rodrigo M. Cabrera" , djgpp AT delorie DOT com Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 15:24:32 +0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Subject: Re: Houston, we've got a problem... In-reply-to: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Precedence: bulk Hola Rodrigo: >Houston, we've got a problem... Con sentido de humor cordobés? > Hi there > > I've installed DJGPP v2 into a Novell Netware system. So, now I have: > G:\LANGUAGE\DJGPP (read-only) <--- there's DJGPP > F:\GROUPS\RESEARCH\3D\DJGPP.ENV <---There's my home dir. where DJGPP.ENV > is located > W:\TMP <--- Local Netware drive for each station, where TEMP dir is located. > > Environment variables are: > PATH=g:\language\djgpp\bin;%PATH% > DJGPP=F:/GROUPS/RESEARCH/3D/DJGPP.ENV > > DJGPP.ENV says > DJDIR=%G:/LANGUAGE/DJGPP/% Ya te puntualizaron esto, normalmente djgpp.env no se toca. Por otro lado los porciento alrededor significa "expandir la variable de entorno". Tal como lo usaste en PATH por lo que esa asignación a DJDIR carece de sentido. > TMPDIR=W:/tmp > > Ok. Now I have ANYTHING.C loaded into RHIDE. Usando RHIDE? hace esto: 1) Arrancá RHIDE. 2) Dale OK a la ventana de about. 3) Presioná F1 4) Presioná F1 de nuevo 5) Presioná A y después ENTER. > When I tap F9, Message Window > says things like that: > > Executing gcc =Ig:/language/djgpp/include -c anything.c -o anything.o > No errors > > (Everything seems OK) > > (Now comes the link step) > > g:/language/djgpp/ld.exe error. Cannot find CRT0.o (ENOENT) [or something > like that] > > (Blammo! The Big Trouble) > > Now, CRT0.o IS ALREADY on G:/LANGUAGE/DJGPP/LIB , and I can't find what am > I doing wrong Siempre que DJDIR está mal definida o no definida pasa esto. > Can anyone help me? > > Thanks in advance and.... sorry 'bout my BAD english. Here in Argentina, we > speak Spanish.... La mayoría de los veteranos de la lista ya se enteraron ;-)) Salvador ------------------------------------ 0 -------------------------------- Visit my home page: or Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET). (Electronics Engineer) Alternative e-mail: set-soft AT usa DOT net set AT computer DOT org ICQ: 2951574 Address: Curapaligue 2124, Caseros, 3 de Febrero Buenos Aires, (1678), ARGENTINA TE: +(541) 759 0013