Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 12:05:08 +0100 (GMT+0100) From: Mrazek Petr To: Konference DJGPP Subject: Degugging large projects under RHIDE Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Precedence: bulk Hi, I'm new in DJGPP and I try to use RHIDE for developping relatively large project (about 1.8 MB exe without any debug options). With compiling any modules with -g and linking without -s RHIDE says something about "Try to compile it with -g..." (i had it set - with gdb I debug normally). Smaller projects with the SAME options I can debug normally. Is there any restrictions in RHIDE? (I want to use RHIDE for debug because it's little better for me than gdb) Second problem: allocating memory with malloc. In the small project I can allocate all free memory without any problems. In project I mentioned above is allocated about 60 KB in about 8 steps and than it exits with message Out of memory. Any ideas about any possibly conflicts? Thank you and excuse me for my poor english. Petr Mrazek, mrazek AT cas3 DOT zlin DOT vutbr DOT cz