Message-Id: <> From: "LP" To: Subject: Newbie Q's Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 16:37:05 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: bulk from: csantill AT lausd DOT k12 DOT ca DOT us I have more than a few questions so any help would be much obliged. 1) How can I setup RHIDE 1.3 to output the compiled *.O's & *.EXE's to the same directory as the source file(*.C)? 2) How different is DJ Pascal from TP/BP 7.0? Are there many incompatible/unsupported keywords? Are there any extensions? Is it easy to wrap DJ Pascal around ASM? I want to write my own graphics library for VGA & VESA graphics library w/accompanying Mouse & Joystick libraries. The reason I switched to DJGPP is because the 32-bit protected mode & promise of better speed for games & graphics. I'm too stubborn to learn even remotely complicated graphics systems like BGI & Allegro so would rather just write my own. 3A) I'd like to write these library functions mostly in C, Pascal, & ASM. I'm used to Borland style C & Pascal so I like using Intel ASM. Is there a way to setup RHIDE 1.3 to default to compiling Intel ASM? If not, where is the most complete tutorial on learning the difference & translation of Intel ASM to AT&T ASM? Here's an example of the kind of stuff I want to do. char Circle(int x, int y, int r, char c) Circle(Integer x,y,r; Byte c) { Begin While(!N) While(N=False) Begin { asm asm { { ; Do calculations ; Do calculations }; } GoSetPixIfNecessary; GoSetPixIfNecessary; End; } } 3B) I'm not used to Protected mode Memory access, so what the easiest way to *poke* byte values into memory w/ or w/o memory protection? 3C) What's the easiest way to call 16-bit interrupts(like the mouse, & VGA) & 32-bit interrupts(like VESA), thru one of the protected mode functions or thru ASM? 3D) Can you call 32-bit interrupts w/ the built in inline ASM calls? 4) I'm interested in porting some ZIP, TAR, GIF87/89, JPG, BMP, & Huffman compression file filters but I have problem. Some of these formats use bit compression. Is there a built in function to test individual bit in a byte, word, & dword? Is there a work around? Here's what I'd like the function to do(Pascal example). Return of function(possible err)--+ Check if it's this value(0-1)-+ | The Bit # to Test(0-7)-+ | | The Byte to Test---+ | | | \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ TestByteBit(Byte B, Bit, Test):Byte Sorry if this stuff seems redundant to the list but I would truly like to take full advantage of DJGPP. Thanx in advance eLpEE