Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 05:37:51 +0000 ( ) From: "Gurunandan R. Bhat" To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com Subject: a djgpp lexicon? Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="701105013-1160130648-857713071=:2591" This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to mime AT docserver DOT cac DOT washington DOT edu for more info. --701105013-1160130648-857713071=:2591 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII greetings, this is a response to a posting by john aldrich asking for suggestions from people new to djgpp, on the possible documentation that they would like to see (did i paraphrase you right john?, i have lost your original post, or else i would have quoted it here) in addition to the _very clear_ readme.1st and the _excellent_ faq. i am currently teaching a course/lab on numerical methods to a group of students who are unique in one important sense: for all of them, djgpp is the _first_ compiler they have ever used, in any language. they came to djgpp unspoilt. in this sense they might provide ideal testing ground for newbie attitudes/difficulties. incidentally i frequently print out and distribute to my class some of the long and informative postings, particularly by eli, john and george. when i distributed john's posting (now unfortunately lost) the overwhelming response of the class was for a small glossary at the end of the faq _defining_ some of the terms that a djgpp user needs to know, not just to use djgpp, but also to understand a conversation between, two djgpp wizards/gurus. what a newbie seems to need most is, i daresay, a djgpp lexicon, where each term is defined in short (say 4-5 lines) not very different from the excellent, enjoyable and informative jarg400.inf to be sure, the faq does an excellent job of describing to a reasonably motivated and intelligent user the djgpp environment. infact my class is a testimony to efficacy of the faq! however almost every one believes that a lexicon would make the faq, an even more effective and sharper instrument than it already is. towards this end, i asked my class to go through every posting in the djgpp mailing list for three weeks and make a list of words that they would like defined. i also asked them to read the faq in its entirety (yes, my students are unique in another respect. they have read the faq in its entirety!) and they came up with a list (which is growing by the day!) i would therefore like to initiate the djgpp "lexicon" : a document intended for _utter_ newbies (i consider myself to be one) about matters relating to the djgpp programming environment and its different utilities. in each case, i plan to come up with a small writeup (possibly cross refernced) _defining_ and explaining the terms in the context of its relevance to djgpp (and only djgpp). to begin with therefore, i have attached a list of words (some 150 i think) prepared by my class to this post. if you have any definitions/entries/words to contribute, my students and i would be grateful for your help. to conclude i would like to add something to preempt an immediate response. my first and immiediate response to my students request for a lexicon was: oh! what is the faq for? read it. thats your lexicon. but then on second thoughts i realised that the faq does not and _should not_ define every term that it uses. that the djgpp faq does define many (if not all) of the terms is more a testimony to the maintainer's sincerity and commitment. The (part of a growing) list is attached below. please read it and mail me (privately) any definitions that you would like to supply to any one of them. there is an attachment below. with warmest regards and gratitude to the djgpp community, gurunandan --701105013-1160130648-857713071=:2591 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="djgpplex.doc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: DQ0KX19kcG1pX2ludA0NCl9oZWFkZXINDQpfc3RrbGVuDQ0KYS5vdXQNDQph bGlnbmVkDQ0KYWxsZWdybw0NCmFyDQ0KYXMNDQphc3NlbWJsZXINDQphdCZ0 DQ0KYXdrDQ0KYmFzaA0NCmJ1ZmZlcg0NCmJ1ZmZlcmVkIGlvDQ0KYnVpbGQN DQpjYWNoZQ0NCmNoaWxkDQ0KY2hpbGQgcHJvY2Vzcw0NCmNsb2JiZXINDQpj b2ZmDQ0KY29tcGlsZXIgcGFzc2VzDQ0KY3J0MC4qDQ0KY3RybC1jDQ0KY3dz ZHBtaQ0NCmN3c3BhcmFtDQ0KZGVsYXllZCB3cml0ZQ0NCmRlbWFuZ2xlDQ0K ZGVzY3JpcHRvcg0NCmRlc2NyaXB0b3IgdGFibGUNDQpkaXNhc3NlbWJsZXIN DQpkamdwcC5kamwNDQpkamdwcC5sbmsNDQpkcG1pDQ0KZHBtaSBzZXJ2ZXIN DQpkdG91DQ0KZHVtcCBiYXNlDQ0KZHdvcmQgYWxpZ25lZA0NCmVkZWJ1ZzMy DQ0KZWxmDQ0KZW1hY3MNDQplbXMNDQplbXVsYXRvcg0NCmVtdWxhdG9yIGxp YnJhcnkNDQplbXgNDQplbXhhb3V0DQ0KZmF0YWwgc2lnbmFsDQ0KZnNkYg0N Cmdhcw0NCmdkYg0NCmdsb2JiaW5nDQ0KZ28zMg0NCmdvMzItdjINDQpncCBm YXVsdA0NCmdyZXANDQpncngNDQpoYnJlYWsNDQpoZWFkZXIgZmlsZXMNDQpo ZWFwIA0NCmhlYXAtZml4DQ0KaW5mbw0NCmluZm8gYnJvd3Nlcg0NCmlubGlu ZQ0NCmludGVybmFsIHRhYmxlcw0NCmludGVycnVwdA0NCmludGVycnVwdCBo YW5kbGVycw0NCmxmbg0NCmxpbmsNDQpsaW5rZXINDQpsaW5rZXIgcGFzc2Vz DQ0KbG4NDQpsb3cgbWVtb3J5DQ0KbWFrZQ0NCm1hbGxvYw0NCm1lbW9yeSBt YW5hZ2VyDQ0KbWVtb3J5LW1hcHBlZCBkZXZpY2VzDQ0Kbm0NDQpudW1lcmlj IGV4Y2VwdGlvbg0NCm9iag0NCm9iajJjb2ZmDQ0Kb2JqZHVtcA0NCnBhY2so aW5nKQ0NCnBhZ2luZw0NCnBhcmVudA0NCnBhcmVudCBwcm9jZXNzDQ0KcGF0 Y2gNDQpwb3NpeA0NCnBvdnJheQ0NCnByb2Nlc3MNDQpwcm9maWxlDQ0KcHJv dGVjdGVkIG1vZGUNDQpwcm90ZWN0aW9uIGZhdWx0DQ0KcHJvdGVjdGlvbiB2 aW9sYXRpb24NDQpyZWFsIG1vZGUNDQpyZWRpcg0NCnJoZ2RiDQ0KcmhpZGUN DQpyc3gNDQpzYnJrDQ0Kc2NyaXB0DQ0Kc2VkDQ0Kc2VsZWN0b3JzDQ0Kc2V0 dmJ1Zg0NCnNoZWxsDQ0Kc2lnc2Vndg0NCnNtYXJ0ZHJ2DQ0Kc21vZGUNDQpz b3VyY2UgbW9kdWxlcw0NCnNwYXduKGluZykNDQpzdGFjaw0NCnN0YWNrIGR1 bXANDQpzdGFjayBzcGFjZQ0NCnN0YXJ0dXAgY29kZQ0NCnN0cmlwDQ0Kc3R1 Yg0NCnN0dWJlZGl0DQ0Kc3R1YmlmeQ0NCnN3YXANDQpzd2FwZmlsZQ0NCnN5 bWJvbGljIGxpbmsNDQpzeW1pZnkNDQp0YXJnZXQNDQp0aGJyZWFrDQ0KdHJh Y2ViYWNrDQ0KdHJhbnNmZXIgYnVmZmVyDQ0KdHNyDQ0KdW5pbml0aWFsaXNl ZCBtZW1vcnkNDQp1bnJlc29sdmVkIGV4dGVybmFscw0NCnVucm9sbCBsb29w cw0NCnV0b2QNDQp2aXR1YWwgbWVtb3J5DQ0Kd21lbXUNDQp3b3JkIGFsaWdu ZWQNDQp3cmFwcGVyDQ0Kd3JpdGUgYmFjaw0NCndyaXRlIGJlaGluZA0NCnht cw0NCg== --701105013-1160130648-857713071=:2591--