Message-Id: <> From: Juan Manuel Guerrero To: djgpp-announce AT delorie DOT com Subject: ANNOUNCE: DJGPP port of PCRE 8.12 uploaded. Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 23:16:54 +0200 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: inline This is a port of PCRE 8.12 to MSDOS/DJGPP. The PCRE library is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5. PCRE has its own native API, as well as a set of wrapper functions that correspond to the POSIX regular expression API. DJGPP specific changes. ======================= To configure and compile this port you will need an OS with LFN support. The products itself will even work on systems that have only SFN support. The usual stuff to configure the sources have been added. As usual, it is stored together with the diffs file that documents my changes in the /djgpp directory. The port has been configured to support gzip and bzip2 compressed files. The binaries will detect at runtime if LFN or SFN support is available. If there is LFN support available then only the default extensions ".bz2" and ".gz" will be used and no other ones will be honored. But if only SFN support is available, then also ".*bz" will be accepted as a valid bzip2 extension and in the case of gzip compressed files also ".*gz" and ".**z" will be accepted as valid extensions, where "*" always stands for any valid character. If a file with a valid bzip2 or gzip extension can not be opened using the appro- priate compressor library functions, it will be treated as an uncopressed file and will be opened as a plain file. Please note that all files are opened in binary mode and that neither the original code nor this port offers any way to change this behaviour. The library can be configured to accept different EOL characters. I have choosen to configure this port using the option to enable any EOL characters. This means that CR, LF and CRLF will be recognized as valid EOL character. If you do not like this, you will have to reconfigure and recompile the port passing the option you prefer to config.bat. The following command line options are available: cr: enables CR as EOL lf: enables LF as EOL crlf: enables CRLF as EOL any-crlf: enables CR, LF and CRLF as EOL Also the following command line options are available to disable any of the EOL characters: no-cr: disables CR as EOL no-lf: disables LF as EOL no-crlf: disables CRLF as EOL no-any-crlf: disables CR, LF and CRLF as EOL Enabling one of them disables all of the other ones. This concerns only the library. The EOL character used by pcregrep can always be controlled with the -N command line option. Please note that this choice has the consequence that if you have a string looking like this: foo\r\nbar PCRE library and pcregrep.exe will find 2 EOLs. One for \r and one for \n. In other words the following two sequences "CRCRLF" and "LFCRLF" will always produce two EOL matches. The "CRCRLF" sequence will produce one match for the first CR and a second one for the following CRLF. The "LFCRLF" sequence will produce a match for the first LF and a second match for the following CRLF. Please note that this behaviour differs from the DJGPP's port of grep. It was not my intention to modify the PCRE code in such a drastic way to be able to emulation DJGPP's grep behaviour. pcregrep.exe also offers color support without having to install an ansi.sys driver. Please also note that I have not configured the port to support neither UTF-8 Unicode character strings nor any UTF-8 EOL character sequence. The pcretest.exe binary will not support the -S command line option that allows to change the program stack. This is because DJGPP's setrlimit does not support this feature. The port has been configure to use the readline and history libraries. If you do not like this you will have to reconfigure the sources passing the "no-rl" command line option to config.bat. The default is always that readline is used. The port passes the test suite except for the last test. This test is completely UNIX or LF centric and does not work well with any other EOL encoding than the one used on posix systems. This is known by the author and maintainer of PCRE library and I have no plans to write a CRLF specific test case for the DJGPP port. Certain man and html pages have been renamed to fit into the SFN limits. The index.html has been adjusted accordingly. As told before, to configure and compile the package you will have to install the following packages too: or: Of course, you can always download newer versions of these ports if available. The files stored in /current have been compiled with djdev203 and the ones from /beta are compiled with djdev204 beta. Please read the docs. There are no info formated docs. All the extensive documentation is html formated and placed in /share/doc/pcre/html The port has been compiled using stock djdev203 (patchlevel 2) and consists of the two packages that can be downloaded from and mirrors as (timestamp 2011-02-20): PCRE 8.12 binaries, headers, libs and man formated documentation: PCRE 8.12 source: The binaries have been produced a second time using the stock version of djdev204 beta library. This package is available at and mirrors as (timestamp 2011-02-20): PCRE 8.12 binaries, headers, libs and man formated documentation: Send PCRE specific bug reports to . Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to comp.os.msdos.djgpp or . Enjoy. Guerrero, Juan Manuel