Message-Id: <> From: "Juan Manuel Guerrero" Organization: Darmstadt University of Technology To: djgpp-announce AT delorie DOT com Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 14:06:20 +0200 Subject: ANNOUNCE: DJGPP port (release 2) of GNU Sed 4.1.2 uploaded In-reply-to: <> Content-description: Mail message body X-TUD-HRZ-MailScanner: Found to be clean X-MailScanner-From: st001906 AT hrz1 DOT hrz DOT tu-darmstadt DOT de Errors-To: nobody AT delorie DOT com X-Mailing-List: djgpp-announce AT delorie DOT com X-Unsubscribes-To: listserv AT delorie DOT com Precedence: bulk This is a port of GNU Sed 4.1.2 to MSDOS/DJGPP (release 2). This is a djgpp specific bug fix release of the previous release of sed412[bds].zip, so it is seriously suggested to update. The previous release of sed412[bds].zip has a bug in the gnu specific e (evalute) command, that makes it fail in different ways depending if the package has been compiled with stock djdev203 or with the cvs sources of djdev204. DJGPP specific changes. ======================= - djdev203 specific: There was a bug in my code that prevented the system() call to be correctly executed if multiple commands separated by semicolons were passed as argument to system(). This bug made the e command fail under certain circumstances. This issue has been fixed so that the binaries produced with djdev203 will work correctly for all new gnu specific sed commands. Please note that the distributed binaries have been build with djdev203. - djdev204 specific: The are djgpp204 specific reasons for the e command failure too. One reason is a bug in the popen() function that is been fixed actualy. A second reason is a memory issue that is still under investigation. Due to this facts, the e command must be temporaly disabled if the sed sources shall be compiled with djdev204 for WinXP use. Compiling the sources. ====================== - If you compile the sources with djdev203 (there is no real reason to do this) you must proceed as usual running the following commands from the top srcdir, this is sed-4.1-2: make make check make install No test of the testsuite shall fail. If you need to reconfigure your sources, you have to delete the config.cache file in the /djgpp subdir first before you run config.bat. - If you compile the sources with djdev204 it will be essential to reconfigure sources because the distributed one have been configured for djdev203. For this purpose you **must** delete the cache file djgpp/config.cache or you will get a broken binary. Due to the actually broken popen() from cvs djdev204 the configuration batch file (xp-config.bat) will disable the checking for popen() in libc which implies that the e command will be disabled. If you run a non portable sed script that uses the e command, you will get an error message like this: sed.exe: option `e' not supported In conclusion, to rebuild the sed binary with djdev204 to get a binary usefull for WinXP run the following commands from the top srcdir (sed-4.1-2): rm djgpp/config.cache djgpp\xp-config.bat make make check make install Please note that the removing of the cache file is essential. It should also be noticed that xp-config.bat shall be used to configure the sources or the popen() check will not be inhibit producing a broken binary. Only the eval test should fail with a message like this: sed.exe: option `e' not supported This is of course intentional. All other tests of the 52 tests of the testsuite should work. Please do **not** report anything to , if there are problems with this port there are probably djdev204 originated and must be discussed and solved here. As usual, all djgpp specific files (config.bat, diffs, readme files, etc.) are located in the djgpp subdir. The port consists of the usual three packages that can be downloaded from and mirrors as (timestamp 2004-11-25): Sed 4.1.2 binary, info and man format documentation: Sed 4.1.2 dvi, html and ps format documentation: Sed 4.1.2 source: Send Sed specific bug reports to . Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to comp.os.msdos.djgpp or . Enjoy. Guerrero, Juan Manuel