X-Authentication-Warning: delorie.com: mail set sender to djgpp-bounces using -f Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 21:14:44 -0400 Message-Id: <201505180114.t4I1EiaX017288@envy.delorie.com> From: DJ Delorie To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com In-reply-to: (djgpp AT delorie DOT com) Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: DJGPP 2.05 beta 1 References: <201505042003 DOT t44K3odg011007 AT delorie DOT com> <554DF584 DOT 4020309 AT iki DOT fi> <55501DAD DOT 1080604 AT iki DOT fi> <55579278 DOT 8090301 AT iki DOT fi> <555829A6 DOT 8010502 AT iki DOT fi> <555870E8 DOT 7040302 AT iki DOT fi> Errors-To: nobody AT delorie DOT com If gcc and djgpp have differing values for DBL_MIN and DBL_MAX, one of them is wrong. Do we know which one?