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To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 07:54:37 -0800
Subject: Re: Integrating EZ2LOAD Ada with newer version of DJGPP
Message-ID: <20011207.165641.8806.3.vmccar@juno.com>
References: <9ukudl$90227$4 AT id-49635 DOT news DOT dfncis DOT de> <20011205 DOT 185953 DOT 8806 DOT 0 DOT vmccar AT juno DOT com>
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From: Vince  D McCarthy <vmccar AT juno DOT com>
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

    I downloaded the the complete Ada program with the DJGPP for it and
put it in a seperate directory and renamed it. That way it keeps thing 
straight and less confusion. If fact GNAT310 is the name I use.

HAGD Vince.....

On 7 Dec 2001 10:54:41 GMT "Thomas Mueller" <tmueller AT bluegrass DOT net>
>from Vince  D McCarthy <vmccar AT juno DOT com>:
>> Tom
>>      I have the Ada/DJGPP program. I tried to update the DJGPP it it 
>  it won't work. I have tried when newer ver of
>  DJGPP came out with the same results. That is a special adjusted 
>  for the Ada program.
>>     There up newer update ver of Ada that are for Windows only. Some 
>  the sites that I have downloaded Ada are
>  ftp.seas.gwu.edu,  ftp.cs.nyu.edu,  ftp.tsx-11.mit.edu . HTH
>Thanks for info.  So it looks like I'll have to install DJGPP and 
>separately, and not let EZ2LOAD directory be named DJGPP, though it 
>looks like
>INSTALL.SCR would name the main directory GNAT310; and I see no 
>conflicts with
>the other directory names.

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