From: Richard Dawe <rich AT phekda DOT freeserve DOT co DOT uk>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: TCP/IP Libs - Which one to use?
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:12:51 +0000
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Doug Kaufman wrote:
> Richard Dawe <rich AT phekda DOT freeserve DOT co DOT uk> writes:
> >WatTCP (and its 32bit brother Watt-32) works with packet drivers. These
> >are available for DOS. There is also one available for Windows
> >(NDIS3PKT, I think), but I never had much luck with that.
> NDIS3PKT has been working well for me on a Win98SE machine as far as I
> have tested. I seem to be able to use lynx (compiled with WATT-32) and
> MSKERMIT without much problem. I have been using NDIS3PKT version 2.6.
> What problems did you have with NDIS3PKT?

I tried this about two or three years ago, so my memory is hazy. I can't
remember which version of NDIS3PKT I used. But from what I remember I set
it up as directed by the instructions, but I was not able to get any
network access using the packet driver. It was as if the packet driver was
not connected to my network. I can't remember which program I used to test
it, but I suspect it was lynx. ;)

Thanks, bye,

Richard Dawe