Message-ID: <> X-EM-Version: 5, 0, 0, 0 X-EM-Registration: #3003520714B31D032830 X-Priority: X-Mailer: EarthLink MailBox 5.05.11 (Windows) From: "Cynthia Nikolai" To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com Subject: DJGPP Help Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 16:3:3 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_01BC2B74.89D1CCC0" Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_01BC2B74.89D1CCC0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_84815C5ABAF209EF376268C8" ------=_NextPart_84815C5ABAF209EF376268C8 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII When I try to compile a program in the Rhide interface, I get the following message. "Compiling .....hello.c Error in DJGPP instalation Environment variable DJGPP is not defined There were some errors" The contents of my AUTOEXEC.BAT are @C:\PROGRA~1\NORTON~2\NAVDX.EXE /Startup DJGPP=C:\DJGPP\DJGPP.ENV PATH=C:\DJGPP\BIN;%PATH% C:\ The contents of my CONFIG.SYS are DEVICE = C\essolo.sys Attached is 1. the environ.txt file 2. output of go32-v2 (helpoutput) Just in case you have trouble opening the helpoutput file, here it is: [go32/v2 version 2.0 built Dec 24 1999 17:46:57 Usage: go32 coff-image [args] Rename this to go32.exe only if you need a go32 that can run v2 binaries as well as v1 binaries (old makefiles). Put ahead of the old go32 in your PATH but do not delete your old go32 - leave it in the PATH after this one. Set GO32_V2_DEBUG=y in the environment to get verbose output. DPMI memory available: 49475 Kb DPMI swap space available: 12825 Kb] Do you know what is going on and how I can fix the problem? Thanks for your help. Cindy --- Cynthia Nikolai --- cnikolai AT earthlink DOT net --- EarthLink: It's your Internet. ------=_NextPart_84815C5ABAF209EF376268C8 Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII

When I try to compile a program in the Rhide interface, I get the following message.
"Compiling .....hello.c
Error in DJGPP instalation
Environment variable DJGPP is not defined
There were some errors"
The contents of my AUTOEXEC.BAT are
The contents of my CONFIG.SYS are
DEVICE = C\essolo.sys
Attached is
1.  the environ.txt file
2.  output of go32-v2 (helpoutput)
  Just in case you have trouble opening the helpoutput file, here it is:

    [go32/v2 version 2.0 built Dec 24 1999 17:46:57

    Usage: go32 coff-image [args]

    Rename this to go32.exe only if you need a go32 that can run v2 binaries as

    well as v1 binaries (old makefiles). Put ahead of the old go32 in your PATH

    but do not delete your old go32 - leave it in the PATH after this one.

    Set GO32_V2_DEBUG=y in the environment to get verbose output.

    DPMI memory available: 49475 Kb

    DPMI swap space available: 12825 Kb]

Do you know what is going on and how I can fix the problem?   Thanks for your help.
--- Cynthia Nikolai
--- cnikolai AT earthlink DOT net
--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

------=_NextPart_84815C5ABAF209EF376268C8-- ------=_NextPart_000_01BC2B74.89D1CCC0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="helpoutput" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: helpoutput Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="helpoutput" Z28zMi92MiB2ZXJzaW9uIDIuMCBidWlsdCBEZWMgMjQgMTk5OSAxNzo0Njo1Nw0KVXNhZ2U6IGdv MzIgY29mZi1pbWFnZSBbYXJnc10NClJlbmFtZSB0aGlzIHRvIGdvMzIuZXhlIG9ubHkgaWYgeW91 IG5lZWQgYSBnbzMyIHRoYXQgY2FuIHJ1biB2MiBiaW5hcmllcyBhcw0KIHdlbGwgYXMgdjEgYmlu YXJpZXMgKG9sZCBtYWtlZmlsZXMpLiAgUHV0IGFoZWFkIG9mIHRoZSBvbGQgZ28zMiBpbiB5b3Vy IFBBVEgNCiBidXQgZG8gbm90IGRlbGV0ZSB5b3VyIG9sZCBnbzMyIC0gbGVhdmUgaXQgaW4gdGhl IFBBVEggYWZ0ZXIgdGhpcyBvbmUuDQpTZXQgR08zMl9WMl9ERUJVRz15IGluIHRoZSBlbnZpcm9u bWVudCB0byBnZXQgdmVyYm9zZSBvdXRwdXQuDQoNCkRQTUkgbWVtb3J5IGF2YWlsYWJsZTogNDk0 NzUgS2INCkRQTUkgc3dhcCBzcGFjZSBhdmFpbGFibGU6IDEyODI1IEtiDQo= ------=_NextPart_000_01BC2B74.89D1CCC0 Content-Type: text/plain; name="environ.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: environ.txt Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="environ.txt" VE1QPWM6XHdpbmRvd3NcVEVNUA0KVEVNUD1DOlx3aW5kb3dzXFRFTVANClBST01QVD0kcCRnDQpX aW5ib290ZGlyPUM6XFdJTkRPV1MNCkNPTVNQRUM9QzpcV0lORE9XU1xDT01NQU5ELkNPTQ0KUEFU SD1DOlxESkdQUFxCSU47QzpcV0lORE9XUztDOlxXSU5ET1dTO0M6XFdJTkRPV1NcQ09NTUFORA0K d2luZGlyPUM6XFdJTkRPV1MNCkJMQVNURVI9QTIyMCBJNSBEMQ0K ------=_NextPart_000_01BC2B74.89D1CCC0--