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Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 01:33:22 +0500
To: Prashant TR
From: Abhishek Roy
Subject: Re: Compiling from other directories
Cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
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>> If I try to run make on a directory other than \djgpp\bin eg.
>> \allegrosource , I get a 'bad command or file name' error. I have put
>> djgpp in my path and set the environment variable, and everything
>> works just fine within \djgpp\bin. I thought that setting the PATH
>> variable in DOS makes it search for a file in each of the named
>> directories in order. Is this incorrect?
>Could you post the contents of autoexec.bat. That would clear up
>things. Generally you should have the lines
I had put SET PATH = C:\DJGPP\BIN;%PATH% instead, as I thought it was the
same thing. Changed it and it works perfectly now. Thanks!