From: aldomel AT ix DOT netcom DOT com Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 14:23:40 -0500 Message-Id: <199912281923.OAA00493@me.x> To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com Subject: ungetch in libc and libncurses X-Mailer: Emacs 20.2 Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com Hello, I have the gcc272b and djdev202. The problem is ungetch is defined in both libc.a (as part of conio) and libncurses.a So the linker gives an error, for example when I compile lynx with ncurses. This question has been asked before but I didn't find the solution in the mailing list archives (search for ungetch). The quick fix I used was to do cp libc.a libc.a.bak edit /060 libc.a then search for ungetch and replace it with uuuuuuu to disable it. Any comments?