Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 15:45:17 +1100 From: Michael Abbott aka frEk <20014670 AT snetch DOT cpg DOT com DOT au> Organization: Student of Computer Power Institute X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (Win95; I) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: DJGPP Mailing List Subject: Compiler Source [OT] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com Heya all I know that this is horribly off topic but this is the first place I thought I'd ask :) I've been learning lexical analysis / grammar parsing lately and have decided to start building a small C compiler for test purposes... I've been looking around for papers on compiler design (steering away from the actual parsing languages, etc.) or any simple source (without optimisations, etc.) that I could possibly have a look at... GCC is great and I've been looking through the source to figure out where to begin (tho' it's too hefty for me at the moment) and since some of the people on this list would have a good idea of the internals of compilers, where would I find anything on compiler design? Any simple compilers (it doesn't necessarily have to be C/++ at the moment) or papers / documents or anything? Or maybe just a pointer to a useful newsgroup, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Michael