From: Endlisnis <s257m AT unb DOT ca>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: Rhide & the windows clipboard.
Date: Sun, 09 Aug 1998 15:41:43 -0300
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To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp
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Eli Zaretskii wrote:

> > I tried it and I got the same you got, but that's a particular thing of
> > Netscape. Pegasus doesn't make it.
> What happens if you paste into a DOS box (using the toolbar)?

> What format does RHIDE use to put text into the clipboard?  Is it
> CF_TEXT or CF_OEMTEXT?  I have found that OEMTEXT is the better way;
> TEXT caused some weird behavior with DJGPP-compiled Emacs.  The
> problems I saw were different from what's described above, but I think
> switching to OEMTEXT is a good idea anyhow.

     I looked in the Clipboard Viewer program and everything that RHIDE puts into
the clipboard ends up in 'Text' not in OEM Text.  The problem that this causes is:
Many programs recieve their 'Paste' info from the 'OEM Text' section of the
clipboard if both 'Text' and 'OEM Text' have data.
    If you copy with a program that writes to 'OEM Text' (like many windows based
programs) and then copy from RHIDE, then paste using any one of the many Win95
programs that only look at 'OEM Text' (or there first) which includes the toolbar
of a DOS box, you will not get the data from RHIDE, but from the program that
copied BEFORE rhide.  I believe this problem would be solved if RHIDE cleared the
clipboard before copying to it, because if there is nothing in the clipboard when
RHIDE tries copying, everything workes fine.  The DOS box copies to BOTH the oem &
text parts of the clipboard, but checks oem first.

     (\/) Endlisnis (\/)
          s257m AT unb DOT ca
          Endlisnis AT GeoCities DOT com
          Endlis AT nbnet DOT nb DOT ca