Message-Id: Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET)" Organization: INTI To: mattcorby AT exotrope DOT net (Matt Corby), djgpp AT delorie DOT com Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 18:49:24 +0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: Re: How to get .INF's from RHIDE??? In-reply-to: <> Precedence: bulk mattcorby AT exotrope DOT net (Matt Corby) wrote: > It's the strangest thing, but i've searched every resource possible with my RHIDE distribution AND I CANNOT FIGURE OUT HOW TO VIEW .INF FILES FROM RHIDE!!! EVERYONE SEEMS TO KNOW HOW TO DO THIS BUT I> > It's really fustrating... > > And i don't mean just the .INF files you get by pressing the F1 key combinations, i mean any .INF file i wan't. I KNOW it's possible! Press F1 the Ctrl+D, you'll load the dir file where most of the info files are listed. Now: You must read the help, start RHIDE, confirm the About box, press F1 and read the status line (the one in the bottom of the screen) ... so as you can see there is a "help on help" so pressing F1 you'll get help about how to use the help ;-) All you need to know is there. SET ------------------------------------ 0 -------------------------------- Visit my home page: or Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET). (Electronics Engineer) Alternative e-mail: set-soft AT usa DOT net set AT computer DOT org ICQ: 2951574 Address: Curapaligue 2124, Caseros, 3 de Febrero Buenos Aires, (1678), ARGENTINA TE: +(541) 759 0013