Message-Id: <> To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com Subject: program crashes Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 17:48:28 -0700 From: Stanislaw Grygiel Precedence: bulk Hi, I have a program that somtimes crashes sometimes not. It seems to be totally random. The same program runs fine on Unix. I tried a couple of things from FAQ list but it didn't work. Please help! Here is more detailed info: environ.lst TEMP=C:\windows\TEMP PROMPT=$p$g winbootdir=C:\WINDOWS COMSPEC=C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM MSINPUT=C:\MSINPUT LIB=C:\UTIL\LANG\F32\LIB INCLUDE=C:\UTIL\LANG\F32\INCLUDE TMP=C:\UTIL\LANG\F32 DJGPP=c:\util\lang\djgpp\djgpp.env PATH=C:\UTIL\LANG\DJGPP\BIN;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\UTIL\LANG\F32\BIN;C:\UTIL\BAT;C:\UTIL\TOOLS windir=C:\WINDOWS BLASTER=A220 I5 D3 T4 go32-v2.out go32/v2 version 2.0 built Aug 12 1996 22:27:23 Usage: go32 coff-image [args] Rename this to go32.exe only if you need a go32 that can run v2 binaries as well as v1 binaries (old makefiles). Put ahead of the old go32 in your PATH but do not delete your old go32 - leave it in the PATH after this one. Set GO32_V2_DEBUG=y in the environment to get verbose output. DPMI memory available: 22635 Kb DPMI swap space available: 42517 Kb dumpfile D:\i\programs\recons2>recons Exiting due to signal SIGSEGV General Protection Fault at eip=00007cde eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=ffffffff edx=00000073 esi=00002677 edi=206e6920 ebp=0004c808 esp=0004b438 program=D:\I\PROGRAMS\RECONS2\RECONS.EXE cs: sel=00af base=83454000 limit=0006ffff ds: sel=00b7 base=83454000 limit=0006ffff es: sel=00b7 base=83454000 limit=0006ffff fs: sel=0087 base=0000b080 limit=0000ffff gs: sel=00c7 base=00000000 limit=ffffffff ss: sel=00b7 base=83454000 limit=0006ffff Call frame traceback EIPs: 0x00007cde __doprnt+2102 0x00004b21 _fprintf+105 0x000029f6 _print_out+726, line 308 of recons_func.c 0x00001c3f _main+835, line 86 of recons_main.c 0x00004216 ___crt1_startup+138 D:\i\programs\recons2>symify -o dumpfile recons