From: ma AT maths DOT uwa DOT edu DOT au (ma) Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp,uwa.general Subject: Teaching Worldwide More Acceptable Language Date: 21 Jan 1998 23:52:30 GMT Organization: The University of Western Australia Lines: 381 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp Precedence: bulk We understand that lots of participants of this newsgroup are delicated to education free for all. We also offer something to the world that is free for all. We invite you to give YOUR PROFESSIONAL VERDICT on a new language which is proposed by a pure mathematician without any background and formal training in computer science. I do not know what is a syntax tree and its role in computer language. I never see a sym-table and a hash-table in my life. The only available tool is my mathematical maturity. As a result of our cultural difference, it may be impossible for me to understand something that is obvious to you, e.g. why underscore rather than a blank MUST be used in identifiers and why some statements are executable but some are not. As an academic, "how it works", "why it works", readability and top-down presentation seem to be more important than the speed, popularity and even reliability. Anyway, YOUR CRITICAL, IMPARTIAL, PROFESSIONAL COMPARISON OR ASSESSMENT of this new experimental language vs the old established language of this newsgroup is cordially invited. I am not an advertising agent and I do not want to mislead your judgement one way or another. Please support the DEMOCRATIC system and openly cast your vote on our record. For your convenience, please copy the following and read it with a browser, e.g. Netscape-3. In the best interest of advancing global affair, your service to the international community will be greatly appreciated. The following is identical to ======================================================= TWMA-Language-Free-Samples

Teaching Worldwide More Acceptable Language

We propose a new computer language for teaching purpose

Learning by Playing

Highlights of Some Features

There is something for everybody.
Please adjust your browser to 80 columns.
Use Time-12 for proportional font and Monaco-9 for fixed font.

For further information, please click here.

  1. Readability : You do not have to be a professional in order to have an idea of what the following program is about.
    Sample Program  
    declare condit:good movie=true, good food=true, casino is open=true
    enum mon,tue,wed,thur,fri,sat,sun
       //declare integer and assign values from 1 onward
    declare integer:my pocket money=100,day=wed,what I have
      while my pocket money > 0
        study day
        case mon..fri;print"working day",day;spend(3)
        case sat;
          if good movie
          then print"watch movie";spend(10);good movie=false
          but good food;print"enjoy food";spend(20);good food=false
            for what I have = my pocket money,2,-10
              if what I have>20
              print"gambling";print what I have;for_nx;print"eat something"
              else print"get out";xfor;print"rob a bank"
        case sun;print"go to church"
        otherwise day=mon;print"new week";xcase
          print"We just create the eighth day of a week"
      another day;pause
      until my pocket money<=0;nwhile
    job another day;day=day+1;njob
      job spend(#in;integer:x);my pocket money=my pocket money-x
      print "my pocket money", my pocket money;njob 
    There are two conditional statements:
    There are three loop statements:
    IF-CASE statements have implicit block-structures. You can create block structures explicitly with BLOCK-XBLOCK-NBLOCK. Labels start with $ and a letter followed by letters or digits ended with a semicolon or end of line.

    For further information, please click here.

  2. A huge program should be presented like a book starting with a table of contents followed by chapters. Each chapter starts with a list of section-titles followed by contents. Each section begins with its own list of paragraph-titles followed by contents. This is the programming style that we should train worldwide mathematics achievers. Observe that pseudocodes are acceptable statements. Since identifiers and pseudocodes are just like English, our proposed top-down presentation should be more acceptable to the commercial community. There are four ways to call upon a job to be done: by ordered list, by unordered list, by keywords DO, PLEASE and by name. There are four types of jobs: JOBM for job-macro, JOB for usual job with side effect, JOBX for job-external without any side effect and JOBF for job-format-only. Jobs are selected by signatures rather than their names alone. Similar management is applied to functions as well. All will be explained in due course.
    Sample Program  
    // Table of Contents of chapters of a book
       1. Declare global variables  // called by ordered list of pseudocodes
       2) make some calculations  // table of contents for chapters
       3> write an impressive report  // write programs with pseudocodes
       quit  // optional only
    // Table of Contents of first chapter
       Jobm Declare global variables
          declaration  // called by job-name
          *** look at the inside for training purpose
          **** print resource report  // called by unorder list
       njob   // end of job
    // actual content of chapter one
       Jobm declaration;declare integer:a=1,b=2;njob //job-macro
       Job look at the inside for training purpose
          print"looking at master-stack and data section"
       Job print resource report;print "resource report done";njob
    // actual content of chapter two
       Job make some calculations
          declare integer:a=99,x  // local variables a,x
          x=a+b;b=a+x  // side effect on global variable b from calculation
          do your bloody job   // called by DO
          please look at the inside for training purpose//called by PLEASE
       Job your bloody job;print"do or die";njob
    // actual content of chapter three
       Job write an impressive report;print a,b;njob 
    For further information,
    please click here.

  3. It is common practice that the same algorithm is applicable to a variety of different data types. Consider the following example, the job calculate is written in terms of nicknames x,y,z in first three lines. It is applicable to integers in line four and real numbers in line five. Line 6 makes it impossible to use the nicknames x,y,z in order to safeguard any subsequent usage by mistake. All nicknames can be used again as long as you write a new nickname statement as in line 8. An important application of nicknames is to pass huge data structures in and out of jobs as parameters without making copies.
    Sample Program   
    1. declare nickname:x,y,z
    2. jobm calculate;print x,y;x=x+y-10*z;y=x-22*z
    3. print x,y;print;njob // we do not know what are x,y,z
    4. declare integer:j=-12,k=-34,t=1;nickname x =j,y=k,z=t;calculate
    5. declare real:a=-1.2,b=-3.4,c=0.1;nickname x =a,y=b,z=c;calculate
    6. nickname x,y,z
    7. declare complex: u=-12-12j.,v=-34-34j.,w=1+1j.
    8. nickname x=u,y=v,z=w;calculate
    For further information,
    please click here.

  4. You can print a paragraph of text enclosed by a pair of special brackets \%\ as shown by the following example.
    Sample Program   
    The homepage of Teaching Worldwide More Acceptable Language
    or TWMA-language is
    For further information,
    please click here.

  5. This language is for high-school kids. It can help them to find rational roots of a polynomial with integer coefficients. Therefore Teaching-Worldwide-More-Acceptable Language should be included as part of high-school curriculum.
    Sample Program   
         declare poly[4] of integer:f   // degree 4, integer coefficients
         f=poly of integer[12,-4,-5,2]  // degree 3 but 4 coefficients
         print f   // coefficents are 0,12,-4,-5,2  in decending order
         print root(f)   // print any rational root of f if it exists
         declare real: x
         x=root(f,1)  // comma 1 is to list all rational roots on screen
         print x;pause
         f=poly integer[4,-12,-135,486];print f
         print root(f)   // print any root of f
         declare integer:j=root(f,1)  // list all rational roots on screen
         print j 
    Sample Program   
         declare poly[1] integer: x=poly integer [1,0]  // monomial
         declare poly[3]integer#2:f=poly integer [1,2,3,4], //comma=more
         g=x**3+2*x**2+3*x+4;print f,g 

    For further information, please click here.

  6. The language is actually a useful tool for the high-school kids because synthetic division is part of the language. The following is to calculate (x**3+2*x**2+3*x+4)/(x-a). We hope this language is more acceptable to the worldwide high-school community. It works for complex polynomials as well. For more example, use your Editor to search keywords such as syndiv from the file : auto. We hope that high-school teachers all over the world will support this language.
    Sample Program   
         declare poly[3]integer:f=poly integer[1,2,3,4] // OF, optional
         declare poly[2]real:Quotient   // degree 2, real coefficients
         declare real:a=1.2,remainder=-12.3
         syndiv f,a,Quotient,remainder;print f,a
         print Quotient,remainder 
    For further information, please click here.

  7. To make it more acceptable as a tool to university students, matrix algebra is included as shown by the following example.
    Sample Program   
         declare matrix[2,2]:a,b     // 2 by 2 matrix of real numbers
         a=idmat(2);b=umat(2);print a,b   //identity matrix, unit matrix
         b[2,1]=0; print b, inverse(b), det(b)    //change entries of b,
         b=(2*a*2-6*b)*b/2;print b   // standard matrix operations
         declare integer:u=1,v=2,x=6,y=0,z=-6;print u,v,x,y
         a=matrix [(1,1),(0,1)]
         b=a**u;print b;b=a**v;print b;b=a**x;print b
         b=a**y;print b;b=a**z;print b  //negative exponent 

    For further information, please click here.

  8. Reducing augmented matrix to echelon form is the standard way to find inverse of a square matrix. With dummy syntax, a student can actually see exactly how a matrix is reduced to echelon form and how a systems of linear equations is solved. Because it is so easy to use, this language should be more acceptable for teaching purpose of linear algebra. Once a matrix is reduced to echelon form, its rank is just the number of nonzero rows and nullity the number of zero rows. Therefore the syntax should become part of both high-school and university curriculum for teaching worldwide mathematics achievers. Our sine-cosine functions can take degrees and complex numbers as arguments. This would make the electrical engineering students happier. Examples can be found from the file : auto by searching the keywords such as sinh, asin, log, etc.
    Sample Program   
         declare matrix[3,3]integer:a,b
         declare matrix[3,3]real:c
         declare matrix[3,3]real:d
         a=matrix integer [ (1,2,-2), (1,1,-2), (-3,-5,7) ]
         b=matrix integer [ (3,4,2), (1,-1,0), (2,1,1) ]
         c=idmat(3);d=zmat(3);print c,d,a*b   // zero matrix, b=inverse(a)
         declare matrix[3,6]real:x=augm(a,c)  // augmented matrix
         reset round=1;print x   // round all real to integers within delta
         echelon#3,x;print x     //echelon to first three columns only
         d=submat(x,1,4)  //submatrix starting from row 1, column 4
         print d;print b   //standard way to find inverse in linear
    Sample Program   
         declare integer:determinant;declare matrix[3,4]integer:A
         a=matrix integer[(1,2,-3,4),(-2,-6,10,-14),(1,5,-12,22)]
         echelon A*, determinant   // * display all operations on screen
         print a,determinant
         print "Solution of linear equations given by original A is"
         print a[1,4],a[2,4],a[3,4] 
    Sample Program   
         declare real:d;declare matrix[3,4]real:A
         a=matrix integer[(1,2,-3,4),(-2,-6,10,-14),(1,5,-12,22)]
         echelon A*, d;print a,d;print
         print"triple row 3, completely different path of partial pivoting"
         a=matrix integer[(1,2,-3,4),(-2,-6,10,-14),(3,15,-36,66)]
         echelon A*, d;print a,d 

    For further information, please click here.

  9. The characteristic polynomial of a matrix is a standard function. This together with root-function allows us to find all rational eigenvalues of an integer matrix. This is why every university student should use this tool in their studies. If you are a student, please tell your classmates how this language makes life easier for you. If you are an instructor, please write a textbook on this language. If you are a developer, a worldwide educational market is waiting for your product of fast compilers. We have common goal, that is to advance the teaching of worldwide mathematical affair. Please join the band wagon or you might be left behind. You do not need any approval in order to write a textbook or a dictionary for English language. You do not have to consult anybody and do not have to pay any fee in order to write textbook in twma-language or to construct commercial compilers for this language. Technical description of twma-language will be presented later. Right now, it remains to be part of an advertising campaign.
    Sample Program   
         declare poly[3]integer:f
         f=charp(matrix integer[(5,6,2),(0,-1,-8),(1,0,-2)])
         print f;print "All rational eigenvalues are listed below"
         print root(f,1)  // ,1 is to list all rational roots on screen
    For further information, please click here.

  10. All internal structures can be seen by ASK-statement or TWMA-statement. Objects are presented in a simple way that is easy to understand. Therefore it is a good teaching tool but you have to find them out yourself.

  11. Without your support, this language will NOT be able to survive in the future because the AUTHORITY of this corner of the FREE (??) world has ordered me to abandon this project even it is under the umbrella of ACADEMIC FREEDOM(??). Please support the principle :

    Of the People, By the People and For the People .

    Here, people means your personal effort. Help your friends to use this new tool. Teach a course on this new language. Write a textbook for the high-school kids and/or university students. Sell your compilers to the professionals. The market is out there for you to conquer. Equal opportunity is hereby open to everybody all over the world.

For further information, please click here.
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======================================================= -- ====================== ma AT maths DOT uwa DOT edu DOT au This article reflects my personal opinion only. ======================