Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 17:30:55 +0100 From: "Dr. András Sólyom" Organization: TU Budapest MIME-Version: 1.0 To: djgpp Subject: Q:Virtual memory (followup of 'Q:How to check validity of a pointer') Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: bulk It's me again with a memory question. First thanks for all of the advice I was given. The '__dpmi_get_segment_limit(_my_ds())' thing is one thing I will try. I will report the method which led to success *If* I will be successfull... Meanwhile I have found a bug in my code. In an internal loop I was using the loop variable from the external one as a index in an allocated array. It is kind of strange though, because I think it could not cause the problem, and now the code seems to be working with the original 'malloc()', but not with malloc6, where it still do a SIGSEGV. Unfortunately it still exits before the end but now with an out of memory message from my 'MyRealloc' code. I printed out the memory allocation values from a '_go32_dpmi_meminfo' structure together with the values I think I am allocating and what I think is really allocated. For this I put a member 'size' into all of the struct's in my program so I can calculate the size difference in a realloc call too. According to this statistics I tried to allocate about 21 Mbytes of memory which meant an amount of about 31 Mbytes allocated according to my guess ( I set the real allocated memory to have a size equal to the nearest power of 2, which is greater then or equal to (size + 4) ) The program did about 3 million small allocations. This is kind of strange, because first I have 64 MBytes of RAM and CWSDPMI should be able to give me an additional 256 Mbytes of virtual memory! What is going on here? Can it be the original program error in disguise? By the way I checked and found the DOS4GW can use a maximum of 64 mbytes of virtual memory, and the top line DOS4G is only able to give you 128 Mbytes... Andras