Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 08:45:01 -0500 (EST) Message-Id: <> To: DJGPP mailing list From: Alexander Bokovoy Subject: Re: Where is "genclass"? In-Reply-To: <> References: <3469C7D6 DOT B791E2C7 AT tpts5 DOT seed DOT net DOT tw> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: bulk On Wed, 12 Nov 1997 23:14:30 +0800 pasomar wrote: > > Sorry if I didn't make myself clear. I just > wanted to know what this "genclass" is. > Is it a program? Where can I find it? And > do I need it if I want to use those generic > classes like LinkedList? > Thanks for the help. > > pasomar > Here is a text from info libgplus.inf: Introduction to container class prototypes: [snipped] Specific classes may be generated via the `genclass' shell script program. This program has arguments specifying the kinds of base types(s) to be used. Specifying base types requires two arguments. The first is the name of the base type, which may be any named type, like `int' or `String'. Only named types are supported; things like `int*' are not accepted. However, pointers like this may be used by supplying the appropriate typedefs (e.g., editing the resulting files to include `typedef int* intp;'). The type name must be followed by one of the words `val' or `ref', to indicate whether the base elements should be passed to functions by-value or by-reference. You can specify basic container classes using `genclass base [val,ref] proto', where `proto' is the name of the class being generated. Container classes like dictionaries and maps that require two types may be specified via `genclass -2 keytype [val, ref], basetype [val, ref] proto', where the key type is specified first and the contents type second. The resulting classnames and filenames are generated by prepending the specified type names to the prototype names, and separating the filename parts with dots. For example, `genclass int val List' generates class `intList' residing in files `int.List.h' and `'. `genclass -2 String ref int val VHMap' generates (the awkward, but unavoidable) class name `StringintVHMap'. Of course, programmers may use `typedef' or simple editing to create more appropriate names. The existence of dot seperators in file names allows the use of GNU make to help automate configuration and recompilation. An example Makefile exploiting such capabilities may be found in the `libg++/proto-kit' directory. The `genclass' utility operates via simple text substitution using `sed'. All occurrences of the pseudo-types `' and `' (if there are two types) are replaced with the indicated type, and occurrences of `' and `' are replaced by just the types, if `val' is specified, or types followed by "&" if `ref' is specified. Programmers will frequently need to edit the `.h' file in order to insert additional `#include' directives or other modifications. A simple utility, `prepend-header' to prepend other `.h' files to generated files is provided in the distribution. [] You can find it on the DJ's FTP-site (I don't remember proper URL) Alexander Bokovoy, ---== The Soft Age coming soon ==---