From: Robert Hoehne <Robert DOT Hoehne AT Mathematik DOT TU-Chemnitz DOT DE>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: Is this error due to make, bash, or me?
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 12:49:41 +0200
Organization: TU Chemnitz-Zwickau
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Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> Note the last part: ``including the filename extension''.  You need to
> say "make cshell SHELL=/bin/sh.exe", then it would have worked.  The
> crucial hint to the cause of your problem is that "echo ${SHELL}"
> prints "/bin/sh" instead of "/bin/sh.exe".  When Make tries to invoke
> that program, it fails because there's no file "/bin/sh"; hence you
> get "Error -1".

This one of the things I figured out already silently some times
ago. My solution was simply to have /bin/sh and not a /bin/sh.exe.
You can do this either by renaming the /bin/sh.exe to /bin/sh
or running exe2coff /bin/sh.exe.

And at last. To be on the sure side, I have both in my
/bin directory on any drive (/bin/sh and /bin/sh.exe).

* Robert Hoehne, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, TU-Chemnitz-Zwickau *
* Post:    Am Berg 3, D-09573 Dittmannsdorf                     *
* e-Mail:  Robert DOT Hoehne AT Mathematik DOT TU-Chemnitz DOT DE              *
* WWW:                       *