From: "John M. Aldrich" Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp Subject: Re: I need help w/ Allegro sound playing Date: Sun, 18 May 1997 00:30:05 +0000 Organization: Two pounds of chaos and a pinch of salt Lines: 12 Message-ID: <> References: <01bc61a5$123fcb00$55124f81 AT SamShahrani DOT ucs DOT indiana DOT edu> <337c64d5 DOT 2612980 AT ursa DOT smsu DOT edu> Reply-To: fighteer AT cs DOT com NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp Precedence: bulk Tony O'Bryan wrote: > > int main(int argc,char **argv) /* <-- this should make John happy -hi John- */ Hehe. Thanks. ;) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- | John M. Aldrich, aka Fighteer I | mailto:fighteer AT cs DOT com | | Proud owner of what might one | | | day be a spectacular MUD... | Plan: To make Bill Gates suffer | --------------------------------------------------------------------- ueless Newbie [X] Lamer [ ] AOLer [X] Humorless Asshole [ ] Pervert [ ] Geek [X] Moron [ ] Nerd [ ] Elvis [ ] Fed [ ] Freak [X] Cryogenic [ ] Illiterate Fool [ ] Druggie [X] Pre-teen [X] Twit [X] Cow Dropping [X] Twerp [X] Mental Midget [ ] Weasel [ ] d00d I take objection to your recent [ ] e-mail [X] post on __comp.os.msdos.djgpp__________________ newsgroup. It was (check all that apply): [X] lame. [X] stupid. [X] ignorant. [ ] much longer than any worthwhile thought of which you may be capable. You are being flamed because of the following specific offenses: [ ] you ignored a disclaimer warning of offensive material. [X] you have no sense of humor. [ ] you have no grammatical skills. [ ] you can't spell. [ ] you used the word "fuck" or a variation thereof far too many times. [X] you are just plain stupid. [ ] you have piss-poor taste in music. [X] you made unfounded allegations. [ ] you get offended too easily. [X] you can't punctuate. [ ] your post/mail originated on FidoNet. [ ] your post/mail originated on Netcom. [ ] your post/mail originated on AOL. [ ] your post referred to the newsgroup/Web page as a Board, BBoard, BBS, or Notesfile. [ ] you asked a question of mind-boggling stupidity. [X] you made a comment of mind-boggling stupidity. [ ] you continued a boring, useless, stupid thread. [ ] you repeatedly said the same thing over and over. [ ] you repeatedly initiated incoherent, flaky, and mindless threads. [ ] you started a thread riddled with profanities. [ ] you predicted the "Imminent Death of the Net[tm]". [ ] you asked for replies via email because you "don't read this group". [ ] you advocated censorship. [X] you started some sort of crap that doesn't belong in this group. [ ] you took part in some sort of crap that doesn't belong in this group. [X] you flamed someone who has been around far longer than you. [X] you flamed someone who is far more intelligent and witty than you. [ ] you threatened others with physical harm. [X] you made a bigoted statement(s). [ ] you have a lame login name. [ ] your machine has a stupid name. [X] you repeatedly assumed unwarranted moral or intellectual superiority. [X] You posted to a group for fans of something saying it sucks. [X] what you posted/said has been done before. [X] Not only that, it was also done better the last time. [ ] your post/letter was a pathetic imitation of _______________________. [X] you are under the misapprehension that this group is your preserve. [ ] you are under the misapprehension that the Internet is your preserve. [ ] you have repeatedly shown lack of humor. [X] you are apparently under compulsion to say everything that comes to mind. [ ] you violated rule 1126: "No self nominations for kook of the month." [ ] you keep on debating in an argument that you lost a long time ago. [ ] you are using a newsreader that violates the RFCs. [ ] you are using software (newsreaders, etc) that don't conform to established net.ettiquette. [X] you quoted an entire post in your reply. [ ] you quoted an article/letter in followup and added no new text. [X] you quoted an article/letter in followup and only added _4_ line(s) of text. [ ] you said "me too" or something to that effect. [ ] after quoting the whole message. [ ] you posted pretending to be someone famous. [ ] your post/letter was an obvious forgery. [ ] it was done clumsily. [ ] and was easily traceable. [ ] Pot. Kettle. Black. [X] you are irrational [X] you raise no good points in your argument [ ] you have no vocabulary [ ] you are gullible [ ] your .sig sucks because: (check all that apply) [ ] it is longer than 6 lines. [ ] ...and your newsreader truncated it. [ ] you listed ___ snail mail address(es). [ ] ...with a nine-digit ZIP code. [ ] you included your nickname on IRC. [ ] you listed ___ phone numbers for people to use in prank calls. [ ] you included a stupid disclaimer. [ ] your pathetic attempt at being witty in the disclaimer failed. [ ] miserably. [ ] your .sig should make your company disclaim YOU. [ ] you included: (check all that apply) [ ] a stupid self-quote. [ ] a Bill Clinton quote. [ ] a Jay Leno joke. [ ] a reference to any TV talk show and/or host. [ ] a set of instructions for something as stupid as your post. [ ] lame ASCII graphics (check all that apply): [ ] USS Enterprise. [ ] Australia. [ ] the Amiga logo. [ ] your company's logo. [ ] a bicycle. [ ] ANY of The Simpsons. [X] you quoted an ENTIRE post in your reply. [ ] you started a long, stupid thread. [ ] you used the word "rule" as a verb anywhere. [ ] YOU WRITE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS CAUSE YOU THINK YOU LOOK COOL WHEN YOU DO. [ ] you spell cool "kewl". [ ] you sent an empty mail/post. [ ] you sent an empty mail/post except for phrase "fuck you". [ ] you started an off-topic thread. [X] you posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message. [X] you posted a blatantly obvious troll. [ ] you posted pretending to be someone famous (See "troll" above). [ ] you replied to the above message type believing it was someone famous. [X] you make no sense. [ ] you posted/mailed commercial advertisement(s). [ ] THE FINE FOR THIS IS $50. Please remit a money order within 30 days or lose posting/e-mail privileges to: USENET News Standards Bureau Mid-Atlantic Division 111 Lefevre Station 1 Charlottesville VA 22904-0017 [ ] you posted a phone-sex advertisement. [ ] you posted a stupid pyramid money making scheme and claimed it was legal. [ ] I think you might be a fed [ ] you didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed anyway Furthermore: [X] you have greatly misunderstood the purpose of _comp.os.msdos.djgpp_____________________ newsgroup. [ ] you have greatly misunderstood the purpose of _______________ page. [X] you have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the net. [X] you are a loser. [X] you must have spent your entire life in a Skinner box to be this clueless. [X] *plonk* [ ] all of this has been pointed out to you before. To repent, you must: [X] stop masturbating [ ] for a week [ ] for a month [X] until you actually get some [ ] give up your AOL account [X] bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it [X] cut the prozacs in half next time [X] jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor [X] actually post something relevant [X] read the FAQ (it is 2 megabytes too) [X] be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month In closing, I'd like to say: [ ] get Wrecked [X] get a life [ ] never post again [X] age 10 more years before you post again [X] I pity your dog [ ] consume excrement [X] consume excrement and thus expire [X] go tell your mother/father/test tube they failed [ ] yer momma's so fat/stupid/ugly that etc... [ ] take your gibberish somewhere else [X] get a clue, you pathetic loser [X] learn to post or get off the usenet [ ] stick to FidoNet and come back when you've grown up. [ ] find a volcano and throw yourself in. [ ] get a gun and shoot yourself. [ ] stop reading USENET and get a life. [ ] stop posting to USENET and get a life. [ ] stop sending email and get a life. [ ] all of the above -- .*. Where feelings are concerned, answers are rarely simple [GeneDeWeese] -() < When I go to the theater, I always go straight to the "bag and mix" `*' bulk candy section...because variety is the spice of life... [me] Paul Derbyshire ao950 AT freenet DOT carleton DOT ca,