Message-Id: <> To: "cc: djgpp" , Aruna Thankamani/CDR/BSM/MCI From: Aruna Thankamani/CDR/BSM/MCI Date: 13 May 97 17:03:36 EDT Subject: DJGPPcompiler problem MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; Boundary="-- next item ----" Precedence: bulk This is the preamble of an RFC-1341 encoded, mixed message. ---- next item ---- Content-Type: Text/Plain Hi, Thanks a lot for the prompt reply and help. You had written : >>1) Did you remember to use the -d switch to PKUNZIP (to preserve the DJGPP directory structure)? I had NOT done unzip with -d option for one zip file. So, I deleted all existing files, downloaded again and used unzip386 provided in the site to unzip the file in D:\DJGPP. 2) I included the following lines in my autoexec.bat a) PATH :\OS2;C:\OS2\MDOS;C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2;C:\;c:\tcpip\dos\bin;D:\SQL60\BIN;D:\DJGPP\BIN b) SET DJGPP=D:\DJGPP As suggested by you, I removed the library path D:\DJGPP\LANG\CXX from the PATH. 3) I tried to compile the following C++ program - #include main() { cout << "Good Luck testing!!"; } Compiled typing : gcc -c -Wall This gave me an error SYS3175 - A program in this session encountered a problem and cannot continue. - System error GCC.EXE. However test,o the object file TEST.O was created. 4) I tried to create an executable file by typing gxx -o test.exe test.o The following error appeared on screen D:\DJGPP\LD.EXE - Cannot open -lgcc : Memory Exhausted. When I ran go32-v2 displayed : DPMI memory avalilable : 335 KB DPMI swap space avaliable : 3337Kb 5) I redirected the output to log as suggested by you by typing redir -o gcc.log -eo gcc -v -c -Wall I have attached the following files: a) gcc.log b) autoexec.bat c) test.o d) My machine works with OS/2 operating system with overlayer of DOS. Please tell me where I am going wrong and how I can rectify my mistakes to successfully compile a C++ program. Thanks, Aruna. - gcc.log - test.o - AUTOEXEC.BAT - TEST.CC ---- next item ---- Content-Type:Text/Plain; Name="gcc.log" Reading specs from d:/djgpp/lib\specs gcc version d:/djgpp/bin\cpp.exe -lang-c++ -v -undef -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUG__=2 -D__cplusplus -D__GNUC_MINOR__=7 -Dunix -Di386 -DGO32 -DMSDOS -DDJGPP=2 -DDJGPP_MINOR=1 -D__unix__ -D__i386__ -D__GO32__ -D__MSDOS__ -D__DJGPP__=2 -D__DJGPP_MINOR__=1 -D__unix -D__i386 -D__GO32 -D__MSDOS -D__DJGPP=2 -D__DJGPP_MINOR=1 -Wall d:/djgpp/tmp\ccbaaaaa GNU CPP version (80386, BSD syntax) #include "..." search starts here: #include <...> search starts here: d:/djgpp/lang/cxx d:/djgpp/include d:/djgpp/contrib/grx20/include /usr/local/lib/g++-include /usr/local/include /usr/local/go32/include /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/go32/ /usr/include End of search list. d:/djgpp/bin\cc1plus.exe d:/djgpp/tmp\ccbaaaaa -quiet -dumpbase -Wall -version -o d:/djgpp/tmp\cccaaaaa GNU C++ version (80386, BSD syntax) compiled by GNU C version d:/djgpp/bin\as.exe -o test.o d:/djgpp/tmp\cccaaaaa ---- next item ---- Content-Type: Application/X-Lotus-Notes; Name="test.o" Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64 TAEDAEqdeDPsAAAADgAAAAAABAEudGV4dAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOAAAAIwAAADEAAAA AAAAAAQAAAAgAAAALmRhdGEAAAA4AAAAOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA QAAAAC5ic3MAAAAAOAAAADgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAABHb29k IEx1Y2sgdGVzdGluZyEhAFWJ5ejk////aAAAAABoAAAAAOjV////g8QIicAxwOsA ycONNhgAAAALAAAAFAAdAAAABAAAAAYAIgAAAAwAAAAGACcAAAANAAAAFAAuZmls ZQAAAAAAAAD+/wAAZwF0ZXN0LmNjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAABAAAA BgAAAAAAEwAAAAAAAAABAAAABgAudGV4dAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAwE4AAAABAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAuZGF0YQAAADgAAAACAAAAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAuYnNz AAAAADgAAAADAAAAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABfbWFpbgAAABQAAAABAAAA AgBfX19tYWluAAAAAAAAAAAAAgBfY291dAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAALQAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAgBAAAAAZ2NjMl9jb21waWxlZC4AX19fZ251X2NvbXBpbGVkX2NwbHVz cGx1cwBfX19sc19fN29zdHJlYW1QQ2MA ---- next item ---- Content-Type:Text/Plain; Name="AUTOEXEC.BAT" @CALL C:\IBMAV\IBMAVDS C:\IBMAV\ @ECHO OFF ECHO. PROMPT $i$p$g REM SET DELDIR=C:\DELETE,512;D:\DELETE,512; PATH C:\OS2;C:\OS2\MDOS;C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2;C:\;c:\tcpip\dos\bin;D:\SQL60\BIN;D:\DJGPP\BIN LOADHIGH APPEND C:\OS2;C:\OS2\SYSTEM SET TMP=D:\ REM LOADHIGH DOSKEY FINDFILE=DIR /A /S /B $* REM DOSKEY EDIT=QBASIC/EDITOR $* REM SET DIRCMD=/A SET TEMP=C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\TEMP SET ETC=c:\tcpip\dos\etc SET IPF_PATH=D:\SQLLIB\WIN SET BOOKSHELF=D:\SQLLIB\BOOK SET PATH=%PATH%;D:\SQLLIB\WIN\BIN SET HELP=D:\SQLLIB\WIN\HELP SET COBCPY=D:\SQLLIB\WIN\INCLUDE SET INCLUDE=D:\SQLLIB\WIN\INCLUDE SET LIB=D:\SQLLIB\WIN\LIB SET DJGPP=D:\DJGPP\DJGPP.ENV ---- next item ---- Content-Type:Text/Plain; Name="TEST.CC" #include main() { cout << "Good Luck testing!!"; } ---- next item ------