To: leathm AT solwarra DOT gbrmpa DOT gov DOT au
Cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: neural network code
Message-ID: <>
References: <199703040109 DOT LAA09346 AT solwarra DOT gbrmpa DOT gov DOT au>
From: fwec AT juno DOT com (Mark T Logan)
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 15:41:28 EST

On Tue, 4 Mar 1997 11:09:55 +1000 (EST) leathm AT solwarra DOT gbrmpa DOT gov DOT au
(Leath Muller) writes:
>> does anyone have djgpp source for a neural network 
>> actaully I i looked everywhere, but i can only find theorical 
>Sure, i think its next to my working prototype holodeck in the back 
>I will just transport there and get it for you... ;)

Excuse me, do you really know what a neural network is?

All it is, (AFAIK, I'm know expert)  is a set of functions (usually
member functions), 
which call other functions based on simple tests.  
This is like a brain, where a neural cell has several tendrils snaking
out to connect with the axon of another cell.  When that axon
fires, it activates the aforementioned neuron, which may/may not
fire it's axon.

||          Fwec AT juno DOT com aka Mark Logan aka Gil Bates
|| This message was a work of fiction.  As such, all characters contained
|| said message are purely fictitious.  Any resemblence to actual
persons, living
|| or dead, is purely coincidental.