From: Robert Hoehne <Robert DOT Hoehne AT Mathematik DOT tu-chemnitz DOT de>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: IDE for NASM
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 12:07:40 +0100
Organization: TU Chemnitz-Zwickau
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To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

Bill Currie wrote:
> If this is already in RHIDE (I don't use it my self, so I wouldn't
> know), or what you are planning, sorry to bother you.

As I said in my previous mail, your whishes can be relized already
with RHIDE.

There is no special config file for RHIDE but RHIDE can be configured
via environment variables. And in that case you can take the
djgpp.env file as configuration file.

You can tell RHIDE how to compile a file with any suffix to
a file with any suffix simply by setting a variable which
contains the compiler call. Example:

If you want to compile files with the suffix .nsm to an object
file with the suffix .o using NASM as the compiler, set the
following environment variable:

RHIDE_COMPILE.nsm.o=nasm -f coff $(SOURCE_NAME) -o $(OUTFILE)

As you can see, there are also some other variables in the
the compiler call, which can be used to access mostly
any thing which can be customized within RHIDE. For a
list of all available known variables to RHIDE look in
the RHIDE doc for the builtin compiler specs.

The only limitation for now is, that the error checking
cannot be customized in that way, but this will available

And in the same way as above for new suffixes, you can also
overwrite any existing, in RHIDE hardcoded rules, for compiling
the files.

If you think a little bit deeper about it, so you will see,
that the technique above is similar to GNU makes's implicit

BTW: Because some people asked me that, I will give here an
other short hint. With the above it also possible to use
makefiles to create an object file or whatever you want. Simply
include in the compiler call an call to make with the correct
makefile. And at last, RHIDE supports also multiple commands
in a compiler call (this is the feature of the system() function).

* Robert Hoehne, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, TU-Chemnitz-Zwickau *
* Post:    Am Berg 3, D-09573 Dittmannsdorf                     *
* e-Mail:  Robert DOT Hoehne AT Mathematik DOT TU-Chemnitz DOT DE              *
* WWW:                       *