To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Message-ID: <>
References: <5fdkha$lub AT freenet-news DOT carleton DOT ca>
From: chambersb AT juno DOT com (Benjamin D Chambers)
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 01:01:09 EST

On 3 Mar 1997 04:36:58 GMT ao950 AT FreeNet DOT Carleton DOT CA (Paul Derbyshire)
>The one you SHOULD NEVER GET is SciTech Display Doctor 5.3a!
>It includes "UniVBE 5.3" but it is crippleware. It places a small
[drivel about how a program you _fail to purchase_ will not let you use
it indefinitely]

Sorry, they never claimed they (scitech) would let you use it forever. 
They need to make a living, and selling SDD is how they do it.  As in,
you are free to try it out for 21 days, if you want to use it longer than
you must pay (or else it simply reverts to an older version).
Try getting a car dealership to let you test drive a new model for 21
days and see what they say (hint: they won't simply ask for it back and
give you an older model in exchange).

BTW, How does this relate to djgpp?
