From: "Sly" Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp Subject: Questions about Allegro Date: 27 Feb 1997 04:41:06 GMT Organization: Sly Lines: 25 Message-ID: <01bc2460$9a92bee0$8c081ecb@sly> NNTP-Posting-Host: To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp These are a few questions that I have concerning the Allegro library... 1. Why do the timer routines have to be installed in order to be able to see the mouse on SVGA resolutions? 2. What is happening when install_timer() is called, and Win95 complains about the program should be run in MS-DOS mode? Cancel this requester and the program looks like it is running normally, and any subsequent execution of programs in that DOS box do not show this warning. Is the program *really* running normally, or is something screwy going on in the background? 3. I have read elsewhere that the timer should be reset to normal (ie. 18.2 ticks/sec) before any disk access. Is this still necessary? 4. Are the various ModeX screen modes restricted to use the first 256k of video memory only? Or do I have to use the VESA modes to access the rest of video memory? These are just a few questions that I thought of now, I'll probably have a few more later. 8^) -- TTFN Sly (Steve)