Message-Id: <> To: "djgpp AT delorie DOT com" Subject: Help With Make File Date: Sat, 28 Dec 96 20:06:22 -0500 From: John Lathrop -- [ From: John Lathrop * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] -- Hello, I'm new to djgpp and makefiles. I've been using the makefile at the bottom of this message as a learning example. I can follow this through completely but I have several questions (problems) that I hope someone can answer. 1. libtap.a is created by the following: libtap.a : $(UTIL_OBJS) ar -r $@ $^ but, I get the message "d:/djgpp/bin\ld.exe: cannot open -ltap: No such file or directory (ENOENT)". Nevertheless, everything works when I copy libtap.a to d:/djgpp/lib/. 2. Related to the above problem, isn't the following supposed to force a search of the current directory for libtap.a: L_PARAMS=-Wall -I./ $(DEBUG) -o exec/%.exe : objs/%.o libtap.a gcc $(L_PARAMS) $@ $< -lalleg -ltap *************The Makefile Follows***************** UTIL_OBJS=objs/any_rect.o objs/ugouraud.o objs/map_bmp.o \ objs/ushsetup.o objs/shade_r.o objs/over_bmp.o \ objs/overrect.o OBJS=objs/tengine.o objs/tg.o objs/tshade.o objs/tover.o \ objs/makeshad.o objs/makedat.o OPTIM=-m486 -O6 #OPTIM=-O #DEBUG=-g DEBUG=-s #DEBUG=-pg C_PARAMS=-Wall -I./include/ $(DEBUG) L_PARAMS=-Wall -I./ $(DEBUG) -o all : dirs objs engine lib gouraud shade over maker dirs : md exec md objs compress : exec/tg.exe exec/tengine.exe exec/tshade.exe \ exec/tover.exe exec/makeshad.exe exec/makedat.exe djp $^ objs : $(OBJS) $(UTIL_OBJS) lib : libtap.a gouraud : exec/tg.exe shade : exec/tshade.exe engine : exec/tengine.exe over : exec/tover.exe maker : exec/makedat.exe exec/makeshad.exe exec/makedat.exe : objs/makedat.o gcc $(L_PARAMS) exec/makedat.exe objs/makedat.o -lalleg exec/makedat move test.dat exec exec/makeshad.exe : objs/makeshad.o libtap.a gcc $(L_PARAMS) exec/makeshad.exe objs/makeshad.o -ltap -lalleg exec/makeshad move tables.dat exec exec/%.exe : objs/%.o libtap.a gcc $(L_PARAMS) $@ $< -lalleg -ltap objs/%.o : src/%.c gcc -c $^ -o $@ $(C_PARAMS) $(OPTIM) libtap.a : $(UTIL_OBJS) ar -r $@ $^ -- **************************************************** John Lathrop