From: "Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET)" To: weiqigao AT crl DOT com, djgpp AT delorie DOT com Subject: Re: Ideas for DJGPP. Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 17:25:28 +0300 (GMT) Message-ID: <> Hi [snip] >> >The strength of DJGPP is in the code it generates. While the info system >cannot compete with the Windows Help system in dummy-proof features, it is >extremely easy to use and powerful if you have read the manual. For >example, typing "M Tab" anywhere inside info will produce a list of all the >topics that you can choose from. And Ctrl-S allows you to do an >incremental search on the entire content of the current info file. > Or you can use the Inf Viewer of RHIDE, with the viewer you can search in the actual topic, in the whole file or in ALL the files that are in the dir.inf. All with mouse, dialog boxes, etc. Just download RHIDE 1.0, press F1 and inside it press F1 again to get the help on help (is very short) and you'll know how to use it. SET ******************************************************************************** Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET) - salvador AT inti DOT edu DOT ar Work: INTI (National Institute of Industrial Technology) Sector: ICE (Electronic Control & Instrumentation) Post (Home): Curapaligue 2124 - Caseros (1678)- Buenos Aires - Argentina