Message-Id: <> Organization: From: "Panos Platon Tsapralis" To: "D.J.Delorie" Subject: Use of the DJGPP-compiler in Linux MSDOS-box ( dosemu ). Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 16:35:07 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-7 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have been trying for some days now to use the DJGPP product in dosemu, the MS-DOS emulator of the Linux Operating System ( in particular the SlackWare Distribution ). I constantly keep getting the message "Load error : no DPMI memory.". However I have specified in the dosemu.conf file that I want 8Mb of DPMI-memory and, when I run the MicroSoft MSD ( MicroSoftDiagnostics ) program, I see, in the Memory section, that it recognizes the existence of DPMI-memory. I would appreciate it if someone, who has allready used DJGPP in the Linux DOS-box, could help me resolve this situation. I would really hate it very much if I had to return back to MS-DOS or Windows-xyz environments. Thanks very much in advance ! ================================================= Panos Platon Tsapralis, Software Engineer, Branch Manager, Software Developement Operations Division, Western Unisoft, Patras, Hellas. =================================================