Message-Id: <> Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Jeremy Ford" To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 05:53:55 +0000 Subject: Allegro: How do you move sprites around with the arrow keys? Hello, I was wondering how you moved a sprite around using the arrow keys in allegro? I wanted to draw the background and then move another sprite on top of it using the arrow keys. I also don't want the background to get erased while the sprite is being moved. Below I have included my code..,so everybody can see that I actually tried and that I don't just want someone to do it for me :-) If anybody can give me some sample code or show me what I'm doing wrong please help me :-) thanks Jeremy Ford p.s. I know the code below probaly isn't very good but I'm just learning..everybody has to start somewhere :-) /* this code will not compile without my header and data file * if your interested in compiling this just -mail me and I will send *you the files*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rifle.h" #include "allegro.h" char *datafile_name = "rifle.dat"; DATAFILE *rifle_data; BITMAP *sprite_buffer; int *file_attr; int next; void animate(void); void scope_move(); void main() { if((file_exists(datafile_name, 32, file_attr))==0) { printf("Datafile %s not found..Exiting program",datafile_name); exit(0); } allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); install_mouse(); clear_keybuf(); set_gfx_mode(GFX_VGA,320,200,0,0); rifle_data = load_datafile(datafile_name); set_pallete(rifle_data[PALLETE_001].dat); sprite_buffer = create_bitmap(320,200); clear(sprite_buffer); do { draw_sprite(sprite_buffer,rifle_data[INTRO].dat,0,0); animate(); } while(next == 1); readkey(); fade_out(1); set_pallete(rifle_data[PALLETE_001].dat); clear_keybuf(); rectfill(screen,0,0,320,200,0); do { draw_sprite(sprite_buffer,rifle_data[MAIN].dat,0,0); animate(); } while(next == 1); clear_keybuf(); scope_move(); unload_datafile(rifle_data); allegro_exit(); exit(0); } void animate() { vsync(); vsync(); blit(sprite_buffer,screen,0,0,0,0,320,200); clear(sprite_buffer); next = 1; if(keypressed) next = 0; } void scope_move() { int pos_x; int pos_y; int c; pos_x = pos_y = 30; c = getch(); switch(c) { case KEY_UP: pos_y++; vsync(); draw_rle_sprite(screen,rifle_data[SCOPE].dat,pos_x,pos_y); break; case KEY_DOWN: pos_y--; vsync(); draw_rle_sprite(screen,rifle_data[SCOPE].dat,pos_x,pos_y); break; case KEY_LEFT: pos_x--; vsync(); draw_rle_sprite(screen,rifle_data[SCOPE].dat,pos_x,pos_y); break; case KEY_RIGHT: pos_x++; vsync(); draw_rle_sprite(screen,rifle_data[SCOPE].dat,pos_x,pos_y); break; case 'Q'|| 'q': fade_out(1); allegro_exit(); exit(0); break; default: scope_move(); break; } }