Xref: news2.mv.net comp.lang.c:80470 comp.lang.c++:101830 comp.os.msdos.djgpp:7455 From: Zach Heilig Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.lang.c++,comp.os.msdos.djgpp Subject: Re: fopen problem. Date: 16 Aug 1996 18:11:43 -0500 Organization: Corporate Communications Lines: 17 Sender: zach AT freebsd DOT gaffaneys DOT com Message-ID: <87bugazzyo.fsf@freebsd.gaffaneys.com> References: <4v1gkv$kld AT lion DOT cs DOT latrobe DOT edu DOT au> NNTP-Posting-Host: dialup9.gaffaneys.com To: cs3prj04 AT lion DOT cs DOT latrobe DOT edu DOT au (Cs3prj Group 04) DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp cs3prj04 AT lion DOT cs DOT latrobe DOT edu DOT au (Cs3prj Group 04) writes: > Under UNIX, can you pass a file name with a path to fopen? If so how ^^^^^^^^^^ This part of the question should have made you think to ask it in the unix programming group (comp.unix.programmer). > do you do it? I know that, under DOS, you do it like so : > c:\\directory\\filename.ext. If you already know the solution for DOS, and have used unix, the solution should suggest itself. But to be even clearer, examine the output of the command "pwd". -- Zach Heilig (zach AT blizzard DOT gaffaneys DOT com) | ALL unsolicited commercial email Support bacteria -- it's the | is unwelcome. I avoid dealing only culture some people have! | with companies that email ads.