Message-Id: <> To: djgpp From: Edward A Markiewicz/OSI Date: 25 Jul 96 13:41:00 EDT Subject: Can't find stdio.h Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain I just finished loading DJGPP on the office PC, and tried to compile a very simple c program to see if everything was installed correctly. I got the following error: samp.c:3: stdio.h: No such file or directory (ENDENT) I then went to the FAQ document and went through section 8. I had already added the following lines to the autoexec.bat file: set DJGPP=C:\DJGPP\DJGPP.ENV set PATH=C:\DJGPP\BIN;(...other directories...) I have reloaded the DJGPP.ENV file I have increased the 'FILE=' from 30 to 40 in CONFIG.SYS The directory is NOT on a networked drive And I did not use the '-B'switch. Now I am running windows, and use a DOS shell to try the compile when it fails. I have not tried it in just DOS, (before bringing windows up). I will give that a shot once the PC is free. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Ed.