Message-Id: <199605150619.AA00859@sun17.thp.Uni-Koeln.DE> From: brenig AT thp DOT Uni-Koeln DOT DE (Wolfram Brenig) Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 08:19:03 +0200 To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com Subject: V2.x and -On So once again I have to bug you friendly DJGPP gurus with one these problems I experience with V2.x : I am getting unexpected SIGFPE's in combination with lengthy algebraic expressions if compiled with -On. First, I am *not* claiming the code snipped below is particularly sensible. *Neither* do I claim that usually one should write programs like that. It just happens that while using somewhat lengthy algebraic expressions, the one below exaggerated for illustration purpose, I encounter floating point exceptions in combination with *optimized* code and V2.x. If compiling the code with V1.x *or* V2.x and gcc -lm everything looks ok. The output is: -5.701e+00 in both cases. However compiling with * V2.x * and gcc -On -lm (n=1,2,3) I get Exiting due to signal SIGFPE Floating Point exception at eip=00001665 eax=3ff00000 ebx=00000000 ecx=0005304c edx=3fe00000 esi=3fe00000 edi=0000d8c0 ebp=0004d898 esp=0004d860 cs=00a7 ds=00af es=00af fs=008f gs=00bf ss=00af Call frame traceback EIPs: 0x00001665 _main+193 0x00003d9f ___crt1_startup+115 Now, just to confuse me, compiling with * V1.x * and equivalently gcc -On -lm everything seems fine. Again the output is: -5.701e+00 and *no* FPE. Since the expression in the code snipped does not seem ill-defined, does this imply some problems with optimizing and V2.x ? Any help is most appreciated. I am *not* subscribing to the djgpp mailing list so please mail your comments to: brenig AT thp DOT uni-koeln DOT de Thanks :-) ! ========================================================== #include #include #define QDR(x) ((x)*(x)) #define CUB(x) ((x)*(x)*(x)) int main() { double t=5.,d0=1.,a=2.,b=1.,c=-.6,be=.5,ga=2,nu=.66,T=.5; double tm1=T-1,emt=1-T,th2=QDR(T); double th4=QDR(th2),tm1h2=QDR(tm1),atm1h2=QDR(a*tm1); double pa=pow(emt,ga),pe=pow(T,be), ex=exp(a/T); double F; F=b*pa*((be*c*th2*tm1*(2*be* tm1+ga*T+emt)*pow(T,2*be)+ex*(b*c* (atm1h2-a*T*tm1*(be*tm1+3*ga*T-2*tm1)+ ga*CUB(T)*(be*tm1+T*(2*ga-1)))*pa+be* T*tm1*(a*tm1-T*(be*tm1+ga*T+emt)))* pe-b*(2*atm1h2-2*a*T*tm1*(2*ga*T+emt)+ ga*th4*(2*ga-1))*QDR(ex)*pa)/(th4*QDR(pe+b*ex* pa)*tm1h2)-(c*th2*(QDR(be*tm1)+ be*tm1*(2*ga*T+emt)+ga*th2*(ga-1))*pe- (atm1h2-2*a*T*tm1*(ga*T+emt)+ga*th4* (ga-1))*ex)/(th4*(pe+b*ex*pa)*tm1h2) +(be*T*tm1*pe-b*(a*tm1-ga*th2)*ex*pa)* (c*T*(be*tm1+ga*T)*pe+(a*tm1- ga*th2)*ex)/(th4*QDR(pe+b*ex*pa)*tm1h2) -2*(c*pe-ex)*QDR(be*T*tm1*pe-b* (a*tm1-ga*th2)*ex*pa)/(th4*CUB(pe+b*ex*pa)*tm1h2) ); printf("%12.3e\n",F); return 1; }