Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 16:59:10 -0500 From: Andrew Szymkowiak To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com Subject: maximum number of open files (in V2.00) In a recent posting (on another subject), Charles Sandman said: > The default setup will handle up to 255 handles, so you can open like 249 > files. Yes, I tested it and was able to open this many. No changes > should be required, except a files statement in the config.sys (make it > at least 60). I have just started getting the ENFILE error (or is it "EMFILE"? - I think that maybe it is one way in the code, and another way in the info), with far fewer than 249 files. My config.sys value is sufficiently large. When I look through the source, I find a manifest constant with a name like FILE_REC_MAX #define'd to the value 20 (in a file somewhere like ../include/libc/local.h - sorry to be vague but I am not near my DOS machine). It is my impression that this may be a limit. I have not yet tried to re-build the library after changing this define, though will do so shortly. in the meantime, I wonder if this must really be a fixed size? I would think that either the start-up code could look up the DOS value, and malloc to match it, or that the _alloc_file function could malloc more descriptor space "on the fly". Since I did not study the code, there are probably good reasons why this could not be done, but in my ignorance, it looks possible. Keep up the good work, Andy Szymkowiak X-ray Astrophysics Branch NASA/GSFC