Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 14:15:15 +0100 From: peter AT physik DOT uni-erlangen DOT de (Manfred Peter) To: DJGPP AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Missing fcvt and ecvt in GNU-C library (DOS DJGPP 1.12m4) Hi there. It seems that the functions fcvt and ecvt are missing in the GNU-C-library. Whenever I try to link my program (successfully compiled) I get the message: undefined reference in 'fcvt' With Turbo-C, this program works proper. I use DJGPP 1.12m4 and GCC 2.6.3 for DOS with the following compiler-switches: -lm -lpc -lgr. Have I made any mistake or could it be, that these routines are missing in library? When missing, is there any bugfix and where? Many thanks Manfred Peter ( PETER AT PHYSIK DOT UNI-ERLANGEN DOT DE )