To: orlo From: Anton Helm Subject: Re: Beginners Question Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 13:22:12 +0100 At 06:07 1996-02-01 -0500, you wrote: >I am a true beginner at C, trying to teach myself from a book. I have >already run up against a problem. I hope you accept novice questions. > I downloaded EZ-GCC. When I "write" a basic problem with an include, >I get an error message "(included file) not found". I tried putting the >file in library and in bin, but still got the message. What am I doing >wrong? Where is gcc looking for the include file? 1) Have you called setdjgpp.bat BEFORE running gcc ? This batch file sets some environment variables needed by DJGPP. 2) Have you installed EZ-GCC with default settings ? (into c:\djgpp\) Then you should have a file named c:\djgpp\djgpp.env containing path settings for the compiler. (Don't change it !) check your environment if it contains a variable DJGPP=C:/DJGPP/DJGPP.ENV Note the '/' in the above! You can move the contents of setdjgpp.bat to autoexec.bat if you prefer. Tony *************************************************************************** Dipl.-Ing. Anton HELM * mailto:tony AT nt DOT tuwien DOT ac DOT at Institut fuer Nachrichtentechnik * und Hochfrequenztechnik * Guszhausstr. 25/389 * phoneto:+43-1-58801-3520 A-1040 Wien, AUSTRIA * faxto:+43-1-5870583 ***************************************************************************