Subject: Drive errors under protected mode.. To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu (gcc) Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 14:56:04 -0500 (EST) From: Justin Ward I have this program that uses BIOS calls to read the sectors of a disk. biosdisk() works just fine, except when there's some disk error (disk not in drive, read error, write error, write protected disk, etc). I have a feeling the error arises because when there's a disk error, int 0x13 (I think) is called. And of course this makes a whole big mess of anything running in protected mode. So, how can I fix this up so it doesn't happen? Compiling with a real mode compiler (I was using tc++, but it doesn't really matter), I would just make another interrupt handler for 0x13. But I have no idea how that would work in protected mode. Could somebody please gimme a hint or two here? Justin