Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 12:11:25 +0100 (MET) From: Werner Drescher To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: assembler Hello I've some question about assmbler code in a normal C-function. The function is like that : void dma_smp(void) { asm ( cli movb 0x308,%dx ... ); } The first question is : is the Syntas asm( ); correct or must I use asm (" "); The next is I want to write more than one instruction , but when I use ";" to seperate them I get a error-message I use the instruction movb 0x308,%dx and get a segmentation violent error why ? I think the best you can do for me is to write me a short assemble-program which shows how it works within gnu c thanks for all who will help me