From: "Michael Schuster (Hd)" Organization: LS f. Elektrische Energieversorgung To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 09:30:52 MESZ Subject: Graphics with GNU Gruess Euch! Actually I'm a Gnu and C users for only 4 weeks. For the first steps the textmode was o.k, but now I get rid of the output with numbers. Therefore I want to use the Graphics in Gnu, but I got three problems refering to that: 1. Is there any #include file (or similar) which allows to handle Graphics more easily than the orginal 'graphics.h', e.g. for drawing functions and axis, points in coordinate systems? 2. Where can I get a driver for my Cirrus Logic PCI graphics adapter card ? 3. Is it possible to compile a graphic programm, so that it won't depent on the graphics card I use and work on every system? With greetings from Bavaria/Germany