Date: 24 Nov 1995 14:43:48 +0000 From: "Magnus Westroth" To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu (Non Receipt Notification Requested) Subject: Q about djgpp and scanning dependencies with cpp Importance: normal Sensitivity: Company-Confidential Autoforwarded: FALSE Original-Encoded-Information-Types: (1) (0) (10021) (7) (1) (0) (6), (1) (0) (10021) (7) (1) (0) (1) I'm just starting to read about djgpp and have the following questio= ns about it: 1) Where (on ftp/www) can I look to find up-to-date info on djgpp an= d associated stuff? 2) For an ongoing project I will probably use the GNUish make. I am = thinking about using djgpp cpp for scanning my source code for dependencies and pipe this= info to a file which the makefile will include. - Anyone have experience on this? - Are there alternatives? (Our cross-compiler does not have cpp -= M) - Since djgpp can't co-exist with windows, are there any ports of= cpp that can? Regards Magnus Westroth Combitech Software AB, Sweden Magnus DOT Westroth AT Software DOT Combitech DOT Se =