From: "A.Appleyard" <A DOT APPLEYARD AT fs2 DOT mt DOT umist DOT ac DOT uk> To: DJGPP AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 13:48:21 GMT Subject: gzip, gunzip, and programs compatible with them Zippers and unzippers (which include the Gnu programs GZIP and GUNZIP) must be compatible with PKZIP and PKUNZIP. A manual that came with PKZIP said that the format of a zip file is as below. This query arose while I was writing a Gnu C++ program that must poke about in the insides of .zip files. (1) The `tailend' contains the two fields `us nentries pk; us nfiles pk;', i.e. one field for `how many entries', and another field for `how many files'. Are these two fields ever going to be different? If so, how do I tell when an entry is not a file, and if it is not a file, what will be in it and how to unpack it? (2) It said if(centralheader.compmethod==0) if(centralheader.extattr&1) that entry is an MSDOS directory. But I looked inside a .zip file (one of the djgpp .zips) which unpacked into trees of files and subdirectories, and in it I found nothing but files. Is a .zip file ever going to contain a compressed directory? Or is that a relic of the past? Is there any way that the .zip file can tell the unzipper to create an empty directory? header, filename, blah, compressed file that is file 1 header, filename, blah, compressed file that is file 2 etc etc centralheader, filename, blah, comment for file 1 centralheader, filename, blah, comment for file 2 etc etc tailend (and sometimes the file sizes and the CRC are after the compressed file) where header & centralheader & tailend are as defined below:- #define pk __attribute__((packed)) #define uns unsigned typedef uns long ul; typedef uns short us; typedef uns char byte; /*-----*/ class header{public: ul signature pk; byte versionreqd pk; byte opsystem pk; us gp pk; us compmethod pk; FCBtime time pk; FCBdate date pk; ul crc32 pk; ul compsize pk; ul uncompsize pk; us fnleng pk; us extraleng pk;}; class centralheader{public: ul signature pk; byte version pk; byte opsystem pk; byte versionreqd pk; byte opsystemreqd pk; us gp pk; us compmethod pk; FCBtime time pk; FCBdate date pk; ul crc32 pk; ul compsize pk; ul uncompsize pk; us fnleng pk; us extraleng pk; us fcommleng pk; us filediskno pk; us intattr pk; ul extattr pk; ul localoffset pk;}; class tailend{public: ul signature pk; us thisdiskno pk; us cendirbegdiskno pk; us nentries pk; us nfiles pk; ul cendirsize pk; ul cendiroffset pk; us commentsize pk;};